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D O D E C A T H E O N Meadia yUcgans.
Elegant Ameriean Cowslip.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA MONOG Y N IA .
Natural Order. P R IM U L A C EÆ . Brown prodr. p . 427.
D O D E C A T H E O N . Calyx semiquinquefidus persistens, laciniis reflexis
demum longioribus, persistentibus. Corolla quinquepartita, tubo calyce
breviore, limbo reflexo, laciniis longissimis lanceolatis oblongisve.
Stamina 6: //am en i» brevissima, tubo insidentia: aní/iem sagittatis con-
niventibus in rostrum. Stylus filiformis. Stigmate obtuso. Capsula oh
longa apice dehiscens. Semina plurima parva. Lnvolucrum polyphyllum
minimum. Lam. illusi, t. 9 9. parum mutatum.
D . Meadia, foliis oblongo-ovalibus repando-deutatis sinuatisve, umbellis
multifloris laxis, bracteis ovalibus lanceolatisque.
Dodecatheon Meadia. Linn. syst. veg. p . 1G3. Spec, plant, p . 163. R o to .
Magaz. t. 12. Willd. spec. p l. 1. p . 808. Lam. illusi, n. 19o7. t. .)•)•
Enum. hort. berol. 1. p . 192. Mieli, flor. bor. amer. 1. p . 123. I ursh
flor. amo-, sept. 1. p . 136. Pers. syn. l . p . 170.
Meadia. Catesb. car. 3. p . 1. 1 .1. Trew Ehret. 1 .12.
« lilaeinum, foliis repando-dentatis, floribus paucioribus lilacinis, corollæ
laciniis lanceolatis. Bot. mag. i. 12. , ^ j n
|3 albiflorum, foliis repando-dentatis, floribus albis. Swt. hort. hnt. ed .2 .
y e k m foliis snbsinuato-dentatis, floribus nunierosioribus, corollæ laciniis
oblongis acutis basi albis circulo purpureo basi ornatis. Supta, Í. 60.
giganteum, scapo elato 3-pedalis, floribus lilacmis numerosissima. (75-
125.) Wood Mss.
jRoo/perennial, herbaceous, producing several leaves from
the base, stemless. Leaves large, ovately oblong, bluntish,
from 10 inches to a foot in length, and four inches broad,
margins more or less clothed with mealy scales near the
nerves, attenuated towards the base into the footstalk. Petioles
smooth, tinged with pale rose-colour, channelled on the
upper side and keeled underneath. Seapes taW, erect, stout,
slightly angular, smooth and glossy. Umbels many-flowered.
Involucrum of numerous bractes, of various shapes and sizes,
ovate or lanceolate, acute, smooth and glossy. Pedundes
long and slender, cylindrical, erect, the points nodding,
smooth and glossy, and arranged m an elegant manner Cdyx
persistent, campanulate, narrowing to the base, 5-cleft about
lalf the length, smooth : segments ovate, tapering to a sleni.
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