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Ó R O B U S variegatus.
Variegated Bitter- Vetch.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA D E L P I I IA D E C A N D R IA .
Natural Order. L E G UM IN O SÆ . D C . prodr. 2. p . 9S.
Subordo I . PAPILIONACEÆ.-—T r ib u s lY . V lC I E Æ . S u p ra f o l. Ì9 4 .
O R O B U S . 6'a/ÿx campanulatus 5-fidus; lobis 2 superioribus brevioribus.
Corolla papilionacea. Stamina diadelpha. Stylus gracilis linearis
apice villosus. Xet/umc» cylindraceum, oblongum 1-loculare bivalve poly-
spermum. Semina hilo lineari.— Ilerbæ ereetce. Stipulæ semisagittatæ.
P etio li in setam brevcm simplicem desinentes. Eolia abrupte pinnata pau-
cijuga. Racemi axillares pedunculati. DC. prodr. 2. p. 37C.
§. 2. F o liis rnultijugis, fo lio lis la tis, stip u lis fo lio multò minoribus.
O. uariej/afMS, caule simplici flexuoso, foliis 2-3-jugis : foliolis late-ovatis
acuminatis pilosiusculis, stipulis ovato-semisagittatis integerrimis acutis
foliolis multò minoribus, pedunculis multifloris folium subæquantibus,
laciniis calycinis angustis acutis, leguminibus compressis striatis polyspermis,
stylis rectis, seminibus subcompressis fulvis.
Orobus variegatus. Tenor, catal. p l. hort. reg. neap. 1813. p. 73. P rodr.
suppl. 1. p . 62. Synops. nov. pl. p. 57. Flor. napol. t. 68. DC.
prodr. 2. p. 377. Lodd. bot. cab. 1168. Swt. hort. brit. p. 126. edit. 2.
p . 156. n. 8 .— Columna phytob. p. 5!). t. 14.
A handsome herbaceous perennial. Stems numerous from
the same root, from a foot to 18 inches high, simple, flexuose,
growing erect or ascending, triquetrous, slightly winged, nearly
smooth, but clothed with a few spreading liairs. Leaves pinnate,
with 2 or 3 pair of leaflets; petioles clothed with short
hairs, mostnumerous in the axils of the leaflets; channelled
on the upper side and rounded on the lower, terminated beyond
the leaflets in a narrow, lanceolate, acute p o in t: leaflets nearly
sessile, broadly ovate, oblique, rounded at the base, taper-
pointed, smooth and glossy, but bearing a few short hairs,
slightly fringed at the edges, pennately nerved with strong
nerves, that are much branched. Stipules broadly ovate, obliquely
cordate at the base, sometimes semisagittate, taper-
pointed, entire, much veined, the veins branching, the margins
fringed with short hairs. Peduncles axillary, about the length
of the leaves, nearly cylindrical, slightly pubescent. Racemes
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