i ' f
i l i .
puh.ly.JÆdyyray. J¿9. Fi£Cíidi2^-.7¿ff.J370.
T A G E T E S florida.
Gay flowering Tagetes.
Linnean Class and Order. S Y N G E N E S IA S U P E R F L U A .
Natural Order. C OM PO S ITÆ . Adansonfam. 2. 103.
Tribus IV . J A C O B E Æ . Kth. synops. v. 2. p. 440.
T A G E T E S . /iî«oZ«cra»itubulosum, dentatura. Receptaenlum auAum.
Flosculi disci tubulosi hermaphroditi ; ra d ii ligulati feminei. Antheroe basi
nudæ. Akenia linearla, compresso-complanata, coronata squamis 3-6 in-
æqualibus.— H e rb a /o iü s oppositis aut alternis, pinnatis, interdum Inpin-
nato-multifidis aut simplicibus involucrisque glanduloso-punemis. Flores
terminales, rarissime uxillares. Radius luteus aut f a im s , Kth. synops, 2.
p. 460.
T. florida, caule erecto ramoso, ramis junioribus subpübescentibus, foliis
oppositis simplicibus semiamplexicaulibus oblongo-lanceolatis opacis tenuissime
argute serratis: serraturis inferioribus fihformi-attenuatis, co-
rymbis paniculatis multifloris, involucro tubuloso pubescente radium
amplum subaequante.
Perennial. several, erect, much branched, bluntly
four-sided, more or less tinged with purple : branches rigid,
erect, slightly pubescent when young, but becommg smooth
by age, clothed with small brown glands, particularly on
the upper part. Leaves simple, opposite, connected at the
base, and clasping the stem, oblongly lanceolate, scarcely
acute, attenuated a little towards the base, smooth, or the
young ones slightly pubescent, sharply serrate with numerous
unequal small sharp teeth, those at the base lengthened
out into long hair-like points, so as to give an appearance ot
being fringed, punctated with numerous small dots, ot a
dull green appearance, not glossy as in T. lucida: upper leaves
narrower, more pointed, and more deeply channelled on t e
upper side. Flowers numerous, golden yellow, m a branching
paniculated corymb. Peduncles slender, pubescent, glandular,
generally bearing two or three bractes, that are very
narrow, and taper to a long filiform point. Involucre slender,
tubular, attenuated a little to the base, toothed with several
little taper-pointed teeth, pubescent, and dotted with nu