synonym to P. pubescens, with a mark of doubt, appears to
us to have been done from two different species, most probably
the present and V. pubescens, the outline being probably
from one species, and the colouring and finishing up
from another ; the shape of the calyx, if correct, will at once
distinguish it from the present; P. cilìàtaoi Lehmann is also
a nearly related species ; and as well as we can at present
judge, is the same as P. decòra of the Botanical Magazine,
and Loddiges’ Botanical Cabinet; plants of it, as well as the
present, were received by Mr. Colvill, from Mr. Schleicher,
of Bex, in Switzerland ; the P. villósa var. alba, of the Botanical
Magazine, t. 1161, is certainly no variety of this species,
nor is it nearer related to V . Auricula, of which it is supposed
to be a variety by Roemer and Schultes ; it is nearer
V . helvética, of Loddiges’ Botanical Cabinet, than either of
those. P. nivea, of Fischer, the P. nivàlis of the gardens, but
not of Pallas, is certainly a very different species from either
of these, and appears not to be taken up by any botanist,
in any general work; it seems to be nearly allied to P . mi-
croccilyx of Lehmann; and, like that species, has deeply
notched, smooth leaves, and a very small calyx. Is not
P . helvética the P. latìfólia of Lapeyrouse? We have not yet
had an opportunity of examining his figure ; but, from the
description, we suspect they cannot be very different.
The present, as well as the whole of the above enumerated
species, are handsome Spring flowering plants, coming
into bloom before many of the more gaudy flowers are ex panded;
they are therefore very desirable plants to grow in
small pots, or in rock-work, succeeding well in a light sandy
loam, mixed with a little peat to keep it open, and the covering
of a mat or any other slight covering in severe dry
frosty weather ; they are readily increased by dividing at
the root, or by seeds, which should be sown as soon as ripe',
otherwise they will not come up till the following season.
For the derivation of the generic name, see folio 5, series
1. Calyx spread open, showing the ovarmm, terminated by the Style and capitate
Stigma. 2. Corolla spread open, to show the insertion of the 5 Stamens, and its villous
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