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O R N ITH O G A L UM corymbosum.
Corymh-ßowered Star o f Bethlehem.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. A S P H O D E L EÆ . Brmvn prodr. 1. p . 274.
O R N L TH O C A L UM. Supra folio 42, series 2.
O. corymbosum, scapo tereti, corymbo multifloro, foliolis perianthii exterioribus
magnis interioribus subduplo majoribus, spathis lanceolatis apice
longe attenuatis margine et basi membranaceis, foliis elongato-ligulatis
acutis canaliculatis patentibus, ovarium atrum.
Ornithogalum corymbosum. R u iz et P a v . flo r. peruv. v. 3. p. 68. t. 300.
Botan. regist. t. 907. Spreng. syst. veg. v. 2. p . 31. Sclmlt. syst. 7.
p . 512-513. Slot. Hort. brit. ed. 2. p . 526.
Bulb large, tunicate, clothed with brown shelly scales.
Leaves several, spreading, very long, in our specimens from
18 to 21 inches in length, and when spread open 3 fourths
of an inch to an inch and a half in breadth, ligulate, deeply
channelled on the upper side; and rounded, but scarcely keeled
below, attenuated to a long slender point, striated with numerous
feint lines, of a bright glossy green on both sides.
Scape smooth, cylindrical, in onr specimen about 15 inches
high, and nearly an inch in circumference. Corymb many
flowered, 6-20, lengthened out to a raceme when several
flowers are expanded. Bractes, or sheaths, which surround
the peduncles, lanceolate, tapering to a long sharp point,
white and membranaceous at the base and margins, the other
part green, scarcely so long as the peduncles; lower ones
in our specimens 2 inches in length. Flowers snow-white,
very large and handsome, and delightfully fragrant, 3 inches
across when expanded. Peduncles cylindrical, smooth and
glossy ; lower one rather more than 2 inches in length. Leaflets
o f the Perianthium 6, very variable in size, acute; outer
ones broadly ovate, nearly twice the size of the inner ones;
inner ones elliptically-lanceolate. Stamens 6, not half the
length of the perianthium : filaments broadly dilated downwards,
tapering to a slender point, which is inserted in the
back of the anthers; anthers yellow, linear before bursting,
composed of 2 distinct lobes. Ovarium nearly globular, of a
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