C Y P R IP E D IU M ventricosum.
Inflated-flowe.red Ladies - Slipper.
Linnean Class and Order. G Y N A N D R IA . D IA N D R IA .
Natural Order. O R C H ID E iE . Brown p r o d r .‘MQ.
Sect. V I . C Y P R I P E B I E /E . Stamina 2 anthenfera.
C Y P R I P E D IU M . Perianthium 4-pliyllum, patens; folíola 2 an-
iicaSKpiusconnata. ioieZfam ventricosum, inflatum (nunc saccatum.)
Columna postice terminata lobo petaloideo (stamine sterili,) antlieras
distinguente. Supra fo lio 71. 'ooL 1. series 1.
C. ventricosum, caule folioso, foliis lato-ovatis pubescentibus, lobo
columns sagittato obtuso concavo, labello foliolis periantliii iim?-
qualibus (superioribus ovato-oblongis) breviori antice subfisso.
Cypripedium ventricosum. S ivaris act. holm. litOQ. p . W i U d e n .
sp .p l. 4. p . 145. Pers. syn. 2. p . 525. Spreng. syst. 3. p . 745. Gmel.
s ih . l .p .^ . t . 1 . / . Í.
Stem erect, slightly angular, leafy, thickly clothed
with a short soft pubescence. Leaves three, on our specimens,
broadly ovate, acute, clasping the stem at the
base s t r o n g l y nerved with numerous longitudinal nerves,
of a pale green, thickly clothed on both sides with short
hairs, and fringed with the same round the edges. Flcnv- >
ers 2’in onr specimen, each produced in the axils of the
U p p e r leaves, large, of a reddish purple. Peduncles about
the length of the ovarium, slightly angular, thickly
clothed with short hairs. Ovarium angular, slightly
nodding, clothed with the same short hairs as the footstalk.
Leaflets o f the Perianthium 4, unequal in size, a
little longer than the labellum, p u rp le : upper one
ovate, tapering to a slender point, 5-nerved, veined be-
tween the nerves, pubescent outside : two side ones
narrow, lanceolate or linearly lanceolate, taper-pointed,
bearded inside near the base, smooth on the outside :
lower one ovate, taper-pointed, 5-nerved and veined,
pubescent outside. Labellum very large, and inflated,
of a brilliant purple, much veined, slightly crenulate
round the month, where it is very slightly cloven, the
mouth edged with pure white, bearded in the throat
with a large tuft of white hairs, the mouth inside of an
elegant mottled purple; lower down white, spotted
with numerous purple spots, that are clothed with purple
hairs. L o b e o f the Column m o w -íflwpeá, very hollow
or concave 011 the outside, bluntish at the point,
Jhdl Iry Pcmova. JUnfJÁZP.