ÌR I S nepalensis.
Nepaul Iris.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Naturai Order. IR ID E iE . Brown p rodr. p .S 0 2 .
IR I S . Perianthium 6-partitum magnum ; laciniis 3 alternis rec-
tis ; 3 alternis reflexis intùs barbatis aut imberbibus basi staminiferis.
Stylus brevis; stigmata 3 petaloidea, oblonga, magna, staminibus
incumbentia, sulco longitudinali nectarifero marginato suprà exarata.
I . nepalensis, barba cristata, foliis lineari-ensiformibus planis nervo-
sis mucronatis, perianthii tubo elongato ovario obtusè trigono ter
longiore; laciniis omnibus patentibus reflexis, stigmata fimbriato-
erosa, caule tereti paucifloro foliis breviore.
Iris nepalensis. D . Don prodr. Jl. nepal. p . 54. Swt. hort. b rit.p .S 9 4 .
n. 57. non Bot. reg.
Roots fascicled, fleshy, resembling those of Hemero-
callis. Leaves flatly distichous, linearly ensiform, of a
pale green, in our plants scarcely half an inch broad,
and about eighteen inches in length, attenuated to a very
sharp point, which terminates in a fine slender mucrone,
sheathing each other from the base to about 6 inches
up the leaf, strongly nerved with several very prominent
nerves, and other fainter ones besides. Flower-stem produced
from the root, solid, somewhat flexuose, cylindrical,
producing from 2 to 4 short leaves, according to
its strength, smooth and glossy : the stem-leaves inflated
a little towards the base. Flowers terminal, and
axillary, larger than I. versicolor, very handsome and
delicate, of a pale blue colour: the outer segments
striped with blue and pale yellow. Spatha 2-valved,
producing 2 or 3 flowers in succession. Perianthium
tubular, seated on a bluntly three-sided ovarium: tube
very long and slender, about an inch and half in length,
rather longer than the spathe, gradually thickening a
little upwards: limb 6-parted, the segments spreading,
all more or less reflexed, and slightly notched at the
points; 3 outer ones rather broa&st, oblongly ovate,
attenuated towards the base, the ground of a straw-
colour, elegantly striped with blue, pale straw-colour
at the b ack ; on the upper side is a handsome crest
from the base to above half way up, fringed with yellow: