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of the tube, or sometimes scarcely so long, about twice the
length of the crown. Crown bowl-shaped, white, or slightly
tinged with straw-colour, slightly crenulate or undulate'.
Stamens 6: 3 inserted about half way up the tube : the other 3
inserted at the end of the mouth, on longish iilaments, that
are connected to the back of the anthers: the 3 lower ones
on short filaments, which are attached to the back about half
wayup. % /e smooth, slender. A/zgwza 3-lobed, the lobes pustulose.
Oriar/Mm 3-locular, 3-valved: ovula numerous in each
cell, disposed in 4 rows ; 2 rows on each septum, round, and
The present genus is decidedly different from Narcissus,
and several other genera that are, and others that will be
divided from i t ; this differs from most others, in the leaflets
of the perianthium being reflexed; in having 3 of its stamens
inserted a long way down the tube, and the other 3 in the
moutlq in its ovarium bearing 2 septums up each cell, each
of which bear 2 rows of seeds, and the seeds rounded; this
particularly distinguishes it from Hermione and Narcissus,
which have only 2 rows of seeds in each cell: by examining
the ovariums of several species, we find good characters in
the form, situation, and arrangement of the seeds, on which
generic characters may be readily formed. Jonquilla will
form a distinct genus, consisting of a few species; by its
somewhat kidney-formed seeds, very different from Hermione,
with which it had previously been placed; and Hermione
will contain some subgenera, as well as sections, subsections,
and divisions, and very natural ones.
The plants of which the present genus is now composed
are very delicate, and all produce elegant flowers, none of
them more beautiful than the present, with its delicate pale
yellow leaflets of the perianth, and straw-coloured or sometimes
pure white crown: it is well deserving a place in all
collections, as it will thrive well in any rich light soil, and increases
readily by offsets, and by seeds. The drawing was
taken from a plant in our collection.
The generic name is poetical, and derived from Ganymedes,
the son of Tros, King of Troy, whom Jupiter, in the
form of an eagle, snatched up, and made his cup-bearer, instead
of Hebe; this agrees very well with the genus, as the
flowers have all large cups.
1. Flower spread open, to show the insertion of the Stamens 2. Ovarium 3-sided,
sliowing the Style, and shortly 3-lobed Stigma. 3. One of the cells, the outside stripped
O i l , to show the 4 rows of seeds.