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S A T Y R IU M coriifolium.
Leather-leaved Satyrium.
Linnean Class and Order. G Y N A N D R IA M O N A N D R IA .
Natural Order. O R C H ID E iE . Brown prodr. p . 29Q.
Tribus I. O p h r y d e a ;. Anthera adnata subterminalis persistens.
Pollinis massa; e lobulis angulatis elastice cobasrentibus ; basi affix®.
Brown H ort. K ew . ed. 2. v. 5. p . 188.
S A T Y R IU M . Perianthium úngens; folióla 5 antica basi connata.
Labellum posticum, fornicatum, basi bicalcaratum v. bisaocatum. A»i-
thera resupinata. Stigma bilabiatum.
S. coriifolium, cornibus subulatis, foliis inferioribus ovatis acutis sub-
reflexis coriaceis: margine crenulato-scabris; superioribus vagi-
næformibus, caule erecto maculato, bracteis oblongis acutis concavis
post antbesin reflexis, floribus cernuis, labellum carinatum.
Satyrium coriifolium. Sw a rtz inact. Stockholm. 1800.p. 214. Willden.
sp. p l. 4. p . 64. Spreng. syst. 3. p . 695. Botan, regist. v. 9. t. 703.
Buxb. cent. 3. 1 .10.
Satyrium cucullatum. Lodd. bot. cab. 1 .104. nec aliorum.
Diplectbrum coriifolium. P cì's. syn. 2. p . 509.
Root tuberous. Stem stout, erect, in our specimen
twenty-one inches in height, leafy, smooth, spotted
throughout with brownish purple spots. Leaves several,
sheathing the stem at the base, where they are
connected, smooth, acute, of a stiff leather-like substance,
the point tipped with a small horny gland or
blunt mucro, the margin rough and crenulate with
innumerable small cartilaginous teeth, those are strongest
towards the base : lower leaves ovate, a little reflexed
at the points, connate at the base, 9-nerved :
those higher up the stem narrower, and surrounding it
a good part of their length, spotted near the bottom.
Flowers very handsome, in a close spike. Bractes sessile,
oblong, acute, concave, reflexed, and hanging
down when the flowers are expanded, erect before they
expand. Ovarium angular, about the length of the
spurs, the angles winged. Perianthium leaflets 5, all
joined at the base, bright yellow tinged with red, the
two side ones largest, lanceolately linear, bluntish,,
spreading, about the length of the labellum : the front
one and two inner ones narrower, linear, the outer one