GAG EA mìnima.
Small Gagea.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. A S P H O D E L EÆ . Brown prodr. I. p . 214.
G A 6 E A . Perianthium 6-partitum, subæquale, patens, persistens.
Stamina 6 : fiiamenta basi perianthio inserta, angusta, planiuscula, erecto-
divergentia : antheroe lineares, strictæ, basi insert®. Ovarium superum,
triloculare, trivalve. Stylus in plerisque clavatus. Stigma triloba, tirn-
briata. Semina parva, numerosa, subrotunda.—Plantæ gramineoe ja e ie
Hvpoxidum. Radix parva, bulbosa. Folia panca, obtuse mucronata, plus
minus villosa. Flores lutei cwymbosi. PcAxmcAns angulatus, plus minus
decompositns ramis sæpius brevissimus pedicellis longis. Bracteæ ad ramos
so lita ria proeter alias interdùm inferius sparsus,foliaceoe. Genus ante cum
Ornithogalo confusnm, in quo perianthio cito marcescit et injtorescentia
longe diversa. Supra fol. 158. series 1. ________________^
G . minima, bulbo solitario nidulante ovato, folio radicali solitario lineari-
filiformi erecto apice incurvo glabro ; florali subqrathaceo lanceolato
remoto, umbellà pauciflorà pedunculatà, bracteis ciliato-pilosis, peduiy
culis ramosis simplicibusve, foliolis perianthii lanceolatis acuminatis
Gagea minima. Swt. hort. brit. p . 418. Schult. syst. v. 6. p . 539.
Gagea stellaris. Salisb. inann. bot. v .2 . p. òòG. , , , ,
Ornithogalum minimum. L in n .fl. suec. p . 101. » .2 8 6 . Spec. p i. 440. j e x c l
syn. Bauh.) M. Bieb. j i . taur. cauc. 1. ». 675. suppl. p . 265. Flor. don. t.
1331. Svensk bot. t. 494. f . l . „ tt h t
Ornithogulum Sternbergii. Hench. et Bonners, adumb. p . 221. Hopp. bot.
ze it. 1806. p . 339. c. tab. 1807. p . 104. 1819. p . 35. T. U. p . 613.
Sturm. d eu ts.jl. 23. H. Bess. enum. p i. volli, p . 14. et p . o6. Schult.
O e s t r . f l . l .p . 558.
Bulb small, solitary, or producing a few offsets, not growing
in large clusters, as in G.fasciculàrìs, ovate, scarcely so
large as a large pea, clothed by a brown shell, producing
numerous very slender fibres at the base. Leaf one, irom
each bulb, erect, the point curved a little inwards, smooth,
a little longer than the scape, narrowly linear, or hliiorm,
channelled on the upper side, and slightly keeled at the back,
of a glossy green, generally tinged with purple towards the
base, where it becomes attenuated, particularly it the bulb
is deep in the ground, it is then much attenuated and ot a
white colour, point acute, 4 to 6 inches in length, and a halt
to one and a half line in breadth : stem-leaf broadly lanceolate,
acute, the point generally somewhat recurved, attenuated
a little towards the base, where it clasps and sheaths
the stem, at some distance below the umbel, smooth oi fringed
with a few long straggling crooked hairs towards the
. base. Scape 3 to 4 inches in length, slender, smooth, gene-
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