A Q U IL E G IA glandulosa.
Glandular Columbine.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA P E N T A G Y N IA
Natural Order. R A N U N C U L A C EÆ . D C . re g .v eg .sy st. Y p .X 2 7 .
Tribus IV . H E L L E B O R EÆ . Æstlvatio calycis et corollæ imbucata.
P étala nunc O, nunc irregularia bilabiata nectarifera. CaZÿX peta-
loirleus. Carpella capsularia intùs dehiscentia polysperma. B C . p ro d i. 1.
A Q U IL E G IA . Calyx 5 -sepalus deciduus colorato-petaloideus. P o tala
5 supernè hiantia bilabiata, labio exteriore magno plana, interiore
minimo deorsùm prodiicta in calcaria totidem cava apice callosa inter sepala
exserta. Stamina numerosa in phalanges 5-10 disposita, interiora
Abortiva antheris nullis filamentis dilatatis membranaceis oblongis. Omria
5. Capsula; totidem erectæ polyspermæ stylis acuminatæ. Herbæ
perennes, erecta;-, r a d i c e s ; folia radicalia aM inferiora longepetio-
lata, petiolo trifido biternatim secta, segmentis trifidis dentatis sæpius oh-
tusis; superiora in lobos lineares p a rtita aut secta; flores
albi, rosei aut purpurei, rarissime sordide Jlavescentes, AIU. r g* j ■
1. p. 333.
A . glandulosa. calcaribus incurvis petalornm limbo T r a Ì “l ’
herbæ parte superiore carpelhsque villoso-glandulosis. D C .p io d r . .
Aquilfria glandulosa. Fischer, inédit. Link enum. 2. p . 84. Spreng. syst.
veg. 2. p . 630. Stvt. hort. brit. p . 6 . edit. 2. p . 8. n. 4.
Herbaceous. Rooi perennial. A i m f r o m 6 inches to a foot
in height, erect, generally three-flowered, densely covered
with short glandular hairs, as are also the bractes and calyx.
Leaves at the root on l o n g footstalks, somewhat glaucous,
twice ternate: the leaflets trifld or bifid; the lobes again
more or less lobed, wedge-shaped, and toothed with large
bluntly rounded or emarginate teeth, the underside clothed
with a roughish pubescence, and veined with numerous
branching veins. Petioles long,
cent; the branches to the leaflets densely clothed with little
bunches of hairs, as are also the veins o f the leaflets, ieawezi
at the base of the peduncles, sessile, deeply trifld, tue segments
linear, and thickly clothed with short glandular hairs.
Peduncles in our specimen, about four inches long, eac
bearine- two bractes about the middle. Bracies nearly opposite,
but one a little above the other, lanceolately linear.
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