roundly ovate, a little hollow on the upper side Stamens
horn 50 to 60, inserted in the calyx, unequal in
length, but shorter than the Style: Jilaments smooth,
attached to the base of the anthers. Ovarium smooth,
ha f inferior, % /e longer than the stamens, entire, or
only parted near the point. Stigmas 4, linear, somewhat
The present handsome species must not be confounded
with P. grandijiorus of the Botanical Register, that
being P. verrucdsus, according to Decandolle’s Prodromus;
this is altogether a smaller plant, with much
larger flowers, the shoots terminating with from 1 to 3
and Its leaves are clothed with fascicles of hairs in thé
axiJs of the veins, the other part of the leaf beino-
smooth; the plant of the Botanical Register is of strong
growth, with smaller flowers, of which there are several
in a raceme, and the leaves are entirely clothed underneath
with white woolly hairs, so that the young leaves
are quite white underneath.
The present species was received from Germany
^ n y years back, by Messrs. Whitley, Brames, and
Milne, as the P. grandiflèrus of Willdenow’s Enuméra
lo, and at their Nursery at Fulham our drawing was
taken last month; it is the largest flowered species of
the genus with which we are acquainted, and makes a
handsome small bushy shrub, producing abundance of
owers in May and June, so that it is a, great ornament
tor the Shrubbery, and not being any the less valuable
tor wanting- the strong scent of the common Syringa,
(P. coronanus). It thrives well in the Shrubbery in the
common soil, and is generally increased by layers, or
suckers from the root ; but ripened cuttings, of one
years growth, will root freely, if taken off as soon as
the shoot IS hardened, and planted in a shady situation
and well watered.
According to Linnæus, Philadelphus was named in
compliment to an Egyptian king.
o f î i i é l ë L f rX * ^ w ^ h ^ i n g the fascicles of hairs in the axils
of thëlpl™'„ r I f 9 “® «f * e Petals. 4. Calyx spread open, divested
tiio r 1 ^ 5. Ovarium divested o f
the Calyx, terminated by the long Style and 4 Stigmas. ‘“ ’'«»‘ ed ot