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D IA N T H U S pubescens.
Pubescent Pink.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA D IG Y N IA .
Natural Order. C A I IY O P H Y L L EÆ . Jnss. yen. 299.
Tribus I . S iL E N EÆ . Sepala coalita in fubum cylindracenm apice
4-5-dentatum. B C . prodr. v. 1. p . 351.
B IA N T H U S . Supra fol. 23. series 2. c i n>
Sect. I I . C a r y o p h y l lu m . Flores paniculati vel solitam. § 1. 1 etalis
D . pubescens, viscido-pubescens, caule ramosissimo paniculato ; rarnis unifloris
squamis calycinis binis basi ovatis apice subulatis tubo subrnqua-
libus, calycibus striatis villosis glutinosis, foliis laxis striatis apice subulatis,
petalis supra barbatis.
Dianthus pubescens. Smith in Flor. grwc. t. 397. P rodr. f l . g rac . 1. p. 280.
B C . prodr. v. 1. p . 355. Spreng. syst. v. 2. p. 377.
All over thickly clothed with a short dense pubescence,
very much branched; the branches opposite, innumerable
and crowded, erect or somewhat spreading, the small branches
spreading round in all directions, and each terminated
with a single flower, so that they can scarcely be termed
ago-regate, of a rough feel, occasioned by the short rough
pubescence : stems somewhat angular, hispidly pubescent.
Leaves opposite, spreading, striate, terminated m an awl-
shaped point, but broadest at the base ; the lower ones
much broader, becoming gradually narrower upwards.
Floivers terminal, numerous, but all on single stems, which
when short as on a stunted plant, gives an appearance of
being somewhat aggregate. Calyx tubular, long-itndinally
striate, somewhat clammy, and densely clothed with a short
pubescence, terminated in 5 sharp subulate teeth. Scales or
bractes 2, surrounding the calyx at the base, striated, ovate
at the base, somewhat membranaceous at the edges, and
terminated in a long subulate point, about the length of the
tube of the calyx, or sometimes scarcely as long. Petals 5,
spreading flatly open, the unguis about the length ot the
tube : lamina flat, notched at the ends, bearded a little on
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