Thd, h j 'jJ iiâ y w a y . i ù $ P ic c n ä iÜ y ]Um-I37S.
U V U L A R IA puberula.
Pubescent-stalked Uvularia.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Ordei-. M E L A N T H A C EÆ . Brown prodr. 1. p . ‘2T2.
U V U L A R I A. Perianthium 6-phyllum, petaloideum, campanulatum ;
foliola unguiculata; unguibus fovea nectarifera excavatis. Stamina G,has\
foliolorum inserta. Antheroe posticæ. Ovarium trilocularis ; loculis pluri-
spermis. Stylus 1. Stigmata 3, recurva. Capsula trigona, 3-valvis : valvis
medio septiferis. Semina plura, subglobosa, ad liilum arillata.
\5. puberula, caule puberulo, foliis subamplexicaulibus lanceolato-ovatis
ovalibusque acutis basi rotundatis utrinque concoloribus, foliolis perianthii
acutis intus lævibus, capsula sessili.
Uvularia puberula. Mich. f l . amer.Ï . p .\9 9 . Pursh am e r .l. p .2 3 2 . Lodd.
bot. cab. 1260. Spreng. syst. 2. p . 98. Swt. hort. brit. p . 428.
Roots creeping, producing several stems. Stems herbaceous,
erect, more or less flexuose, leafy, forked, angular,
clothed with a short pubescence, particularly on the branches,
the points nodding. Leaves sessile, clasping the stem
at the b a se ; lower ones lanceolately ovate, a cu te : upper
ones oval, rounded at the base, clothed with a short pubescence,
of a pale green on both sides, longitudinally nerved,
and veined with numerous slender veins, channelled on the
upper side and keeled below. Plowers solitary, pedunculate,
campanulate, of a yellow straw-colour. Perianthium of 6
leaflets, petal-like, the 3 outer ones rather longer than the
inner ones: leaflets smooth inside, acute, the points slightly
reflexed, bearing a nectariferous pore at the base on the
unguis. Stamens 6, erect, inserted in the base of the unguis :
jilaments flat, attached to the anther their whole length .• anthers
linear, two-lobed, facing the leaflets; pollen yellow.
Ovarium sharply three-sided, three-celled, the cells about
8-seeded. Style 1, erect, smooth, about the length of the stamens.
Stigmas 3, long, and spreading, the points recurved.
Our drawing of this rare and pretty species was taken
from fine specimens, sent to us by the kindness of Robert
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