!. ii :
PH LÒM IS Herba-venti.
Rough-leaved Jerusalem-Sage.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA G Y M N O S P E R M IA .
Natural Order. L A B IA TÆ . Brown prodr. p . 499.
Tribus V . N e p e t k æ . Bentham in Botanical R egister.
P H L O M IS . Calyx 5 -gonus, 5 -dentatus. Corolla galea incumbens,
carinato-compressa, barbata, emarginata v. incisa ; labium inferius propor-
tionatum ; lobo medio majore. Stigma labio superiore breviore. Brown
Hort. kew. edit. 2 . v. 3. p . 406.
P . Herba-venti, hirsuta, foliis venoso-rugosis serratis subtus hirsuto-tomen-
tosis, inferioribus cordato-oblongis petiolatis, floralibus subsessdibus
lanceolatis, calycis dentibus patentibus bracteisque subulatis hirsutis.
Spreng, syst. veg. 2. p . 742. ,
Phlomis Herba-venti. Willden. spec, plant. 3. p. 122. Pers. syn. 2. p. 127.
Marsch. Bieb. taur. cauc. v. 2. p . 56. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. p. 408. Spratg.
syst. 2. p . 742. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2. p . 405.
Perennial, herbaceous, producing many stems from the
root, which again branch in all directions : branches opposite,
bluntly quadrangular, densely clothed with long entangled
villous hairs. Leaves serrated, hairy, green on both sides,
not clothed with white down underneath as in V.pungens,
of a glossy green on the upper side, and paler underneath,
strongly and numerously nerved underneath, reticulate^
veined, rugose ; lower ones on long petioles, cordate at the
base, oblong; not ovate, and attenuated at the base, as m
P. pungens : stem onesoxx short flat winged footstalks, ovately
oblong, rounded at the base, tapering towards the point,
scarcely acu te: upper ones nearly sessile, oblongly lanceolate
all more or less serrate. Petioles channelled on the upp
e r’side, and furrowed with a deep furrow on each side.
Floivers sessile, in whorls round the stem, in the axils ot the
leaves, noton short footstalks, as in V . pungens. Bractes
subulate, little more than half the length of V. pungens, not
extending to the ends of the segments of the calyx as in that
species, the points curved inwards, much less spreadmg than
P pimo-ens, thickly clothed with long spreading stiff hairs.
Cahpv tubular, narrow at the base, and widening upwards
5-toothed, 10-angular, the angles terminated with the teeth
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