LÛSmUJiJid. P.ih h y JMni'crn-.ijz. j.é?Z. P.-cadiU)- ^a v i8 2 9 . WiddaZZjo
G EO R G IN A Cervantesii.
Cervantes' Georgina.
ClassSf Order. S Y N G E N E S IA P O L Y G A M IA E R U S T R A N E A .
Natural Order. C O M P O S I ÏÆ . Adansonfam. 2. 103.
Subordo V I . H E L IA N TH EÆ . Kth. synops. 2. p. 463. .
G E O R G IN A . Involucrum duplex : exterius polyphyllum ; intenus
octopartitum. Receptaculum planum, paleaceum. 'Flosculi disci tubulosi,
hermaphroditi ; radii ligulati feminei aut neutri. Ahcnia calva.—Herbæ
foliis oppositis, pinnatipartiiis ; üonhus terminalibus, longe peduncuMis.
radio purpureo, violaceo, lilacino, aurantiaco, coccineo, fiavo et albo. »upra
fol. 282. series J. _____________________
G. Cervantesii, caule ramosissimo ; ramis gracilibus subsolidus scabriuscu-
lis nitidis, foliis inferioribus bipinnatis ; superioribus pmnatis : ractii
foliolum nuda, foliolis lanceolato-ovatis acuminatis serrulatis subtus
pilosis margine glanduloso-scabris, involucri foliolis exterioribus rhom-
beo-ovatis reflexis, akeniis spathulatis.
Dahlia Cervantesii. Lagasca Mantissa inedit. _______
Root perennial, producing numerous long tubers, unequal
in size, attenuated at both ends. Stem erect, from 6 to 10
feet high, producing innumerable branches : branches very
slender, hard and rigid, elongated, solid or nearly so, furrowed
with numerous furrows, roughish, the roughness occasioned
by numerous small warts or papdlæ, of a glossy
liffht purple colour. Leaves opposite, petiolate, the rachis
slender and naked; lower leaves bipinnate ; the upper ones
simply pinnate or ternate ; leaflets ovate, taper-pointed, or
sometimes lanceolate, generally unequal sided and attenuated
a little at the base, serrulate, the taper point entire, the
teeth small, sharp-pointed, leaning inwards, pennately nerved
and reticulately veined underneath, clothed with short
rigid hairs ; margins very rough, occasioned by numerous
small gland-like hairs with which it is fringed : footstalks
of the leaflets densely pubescent. Petioles slender, furrowed
on the upper side and rounded below, widened at the base,
where they are connected, green or sometimes tinged with
purple. Peduncles slender, nearly cylindrical, rough, glossy.
Plowers of a scarlet orange. Involucre, of two series : outer
series of 5 or 6 leaflets, that are rhomboidally ovate, acute,
taperine- to the base, striated, smooth and glossy, the margins
roughish : inner series 8 to 10-parted, the seginents
spreading and supporting the rays, oblong, obtuse, striated
with numerous faint lines, membranaceous, becoming fleshy
at the base. Receptacle chaffy, the chaff similar to the inner
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