A¿ lì,- JLJwie^A-Pûinum P/ai'/“ /L?hnfti J im f ¿¿¡iÿ
Z E P H Y R A N T H E S carinata.
Keeled-leaved Swamp-Lily.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. A M A R Y L L ID EÆ . Brown prodr. p . 2m .
Z E P H Y R A N T H E S . Scapnsc&\\is. Onaríamsuberectum. Flores
semipatentes, suberecti: fac¿M¿<e altera® dispares: tubus arctus, an-
gustè infundibuliformis. Stylus decliiiatus. Stigma trilobum. Fila-
mmta laciniarum basi inserta, divaricata; alterna disparia, superius
sæpissiinè sejunctum. Antheroe infra medium affix®. Capsula erecta^
trivalvis, triloba, trisulca, trilocularis. Semina complanata biseriatim
cumulata, testà nigrà.— Plant® Occidentales. Bulbis parvulis ovatis.
Foliis linearibus. Scapis 1-2,-floris peduneidatis. Spathis in unifloris
bitobis, in b ifo ris bifidis. W . Herbert Botan, magaz. 2537.
Z. carinata, foliis linearibus acutiusculis subfalcatis longitudinaliter
striatis subtus obtuse carinatis, spatha basi tubolosa apice tubo pe-
rianthii submquali, antheris elongatis stylo sub®qualibus.
Zephyranthes carinata. W. Herbert. Botan. magaz. 2594. Swt. hort.
brit. p .4 0 2 .
Bulb oval, or turbinate with the smallest end upwards,
producing many offsets. Leaves from 2 to 4,
from 9 inches to a foot in length, linear, ending in ra ther
an acute point, more or less falcate, longitudinally
striate, with numerous small veins that are most prominent
at the back, which is bluntly keeled, the upper
side rather channelled or hollow, of a bright green colour,
sometimes tinged with red at the base. Scape
produced on one side, from 4 to 6 inches in length,
lollow, slightly angular, longitudinally striated with
numerous veins, more or less red at the base, becoming
gradually greener upwards. Spatha tubular, red at
first, dying off brown, veined, split at the point on one
side for the exclusion of the flower, there is also a slit
on the other side below the point, but not extending
to the apex, point acute, and extending the length of
the tube of the flower. Pedicle cylindrical, smooth.