A S C L E P IA S pulchra.
Pretty Hairy Swallow-wort.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA D IG Y N IA .
Natural Order. A SC L E P IA D EÆ . Broivn in Wern. trans,
edinb. \ . p . 12.
Tribus I . A S C L E P IEÆ . Pollinis massæ (10-20) cereaceæ læves,
nec in granulis separandæ.
Div . I . Corpuscula stigmatis (5) sulco longitudinali bipartibilia
juxta basin vel latere utrinque exserentia processum massam pollinis
iinam affigentem.
§§§. Pollinis massæ pendulæ, apice vel supra medium lateris affixæ.
Antheroe membranâ terminatæ.
1. Tubus stamineus appendiculatus.—A . Corona staminea simplex
pentaphylla, foliolis antheris oppositis, lacinulis 5 nanis in eadem
serie quandoque interjectis.
a. Corolla quinquepartita reflexa. Cojm<æ/oZiotosubcucullata, apice
tubi filamentorum imposita.
A S C L E P IA S . ilfassoe p o l& is læves, 10, pendulæ. Cormastaminea
simplex, pentaphylla: foliolis cucullatis, e fundo exserentibus
processum aversuni corniformem. Corolla reflexa. Folliculi læves.
Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 2. p . 80.
A . pulchra, foliis brevi petiolatis subcordato-oblongis acutis utrinque
hirsutis, caule erecto villoso superne diviso, umbellis subterminali-
bus geminis erectis.
Asclepias pulchra. Ehrhart. Willden. spec; 1. p . 1267. Enum. 1.
jp.278. L i n k e n u m . l . p .2 ô 2 . 'Schult. syst. veg .8 . p .1 2 . Spreng.
syst. l . p . 848.
Asclepias incarnata jS pulchra. Pers. synops. 1. p . 276. Pursh. Jl.
amer. sept. 1. p . 181.
A hardy herbaceous perennial. Stems several from
the same root, erect, three to five feet high, densely
clothed with villous hairs, branching near the point.
Leaves opposite, on short footstalks, oblong or oblongly
lanceolate, acute, cordate at the base, the margins
roughish and slightly bent backwards, hairy on both
sides, underneath strongly feather-nerved, and reticu-
lately veined, from 5 to 6 inches long, and two and a
half to three inches broad in the broadest part. Petioles
furrowed on the upper side, and convex below. Umbels
generally in pairs, many-flowered. Peduncles villous.
Involucre of numerous narrowly linear, acute, villous
and fringed bractes. Flowers purple, in a close, crowded
umbel. Pedicles long and slender, thickest at the
base, and tapering upwards, purple, very hairy, the