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P H L Ó X glaberrima.
Smooth Lychnidea.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. P O L EM O N IA C E .® . B . Bon obs. on Polem. p . 4.
P H L O X . Supra fol. 7. series 2.
P . glaberrima, cæspitosa, caule erecto glaberrimo, foliis lineari-lanceolatis
lævibus, corymbo trífido terminali : fasciculis 3-4-floris, calycis denti-
bus acuminatis patulis, corollæ laciniis rotundatis.
P h lo x glaberrima. Linn. spec. p . 217. Willden. sp. p l. 1. p . 841. Enum.
hort. ber. 1. p. 200. Hort. Kew . ed. 2. v . \ . p. 326. Pers. syn. 1. p . 186.
Spreng. syst. 1. p . 624. Mich. fl. amer. 1. p . 142. Pursh fl. amer. sept.
1. » .3 2 6 . St. H ila ir e lS . t .6 . Kerner Oek. Pflanz, i.1 3 6 .
Lychnidea folio melampyri. D ill. elth. 203. 1 .1 6 6 ./. 202.
A close dense tufted perennial plant. Stems erect, from
a foot to 18 inches in height, quite sinooth and glossy, green
or sometimes tinged with purple. Leaves on the stem opposite,
sessile, clasping the stem, quite smooth and glossy, without
any roughness or pubescence : lower ones narrowest, linear
or linearly lanceolate, taper-pointed, and attenuated towards
the base ; upper ones broader, oblongly lanceolate, also tapering
towards the point, but broad at the base. Floiver-steni
more or less branched, terminated in a trifid corymbus, each
fascicle being generally 3 or 4-flowered : side branches less
divided, mostly 3 to 5-flowered. Bractes lanceolate, having
the appearance of small leaves. Pedicles short, quite smooth,
a little thickened upwards. Calyx tubular, 5-angled, 5-
toothed, smooth and glossy, the segments joined to each other
by a thin membrane ; teeth lanceolate, taper-pointed, spreading,
or the points slightly reflexed. Corolla tubular, with a
5-cleft, spreading limb : tube striated, curved a little, about
twice the length of the calyx : segments of the limb broadly
obovate, rounded, and imbricate, of a reddish lilac, dying oft
bluish. Stamens 5, inserted in the tube, three of them near
the mouth and partly exserted, the other two lower down :
filaments smooth, short and slender : pollen golden yellow.
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