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H A B R A N T H U S Andersoni.
Anderson's Habranthus.
L in n e a n Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. A M A R Y L L ID EÆ . B rownprodr. 1. p. 296.
Tribus I I I . H IP P E A S T R IF O RM E S . Scapus Çavus. lu b i taux arcta.
Semina testâ nigrâ. IT. Herbei t Botan. magaz. vol. 52. 2606. p . IH.
H A B R A N T H U S . Supra folio 14.
H . Andersoni, scapo 4-6-unciali unifloro, flore erecto, spathâ subunciah
tubuloso apice diviso pedúnculo duplo breviore, ovario fusco-viridi,
perianthium patente: foliolis lato-ovatis acutis; interioribus duplo
minoribus, foliis linearibus glaucis obtusiusculis, bulbo rotundo.
Habranthus Andersoni. B o t.reg . 1 .1345. Sivt. hort. brit. ed. 2. p . 506.
Bulb round, flattish. Leaves linear, bluntish, striated
with faint longitudinal lines, of a pale glaucous colour.
Scape from four to six inches in height, smooth, slightly ta-
rinose, purplish a little above the base, hollow. Spatha io-
bular, membranaceous, surrounding the peduncle, striated,
cleft about one third of its length from the point ; the segments
ovate, acuminate, erector spreading a httle. 1 edun-
cle lengthened to about three inches when m seed, about
two or rather more when in full bloom, cylmdnca , smooth
and a-lossy. Flower yellow on the mside, with a handsome
bright purple ring a'little above the base, the outside of a
brownish purple, tinged with copper colour, variable on
different plants. Perianthium of 6 leaflets, scarcely connected
at the base, longitudinally striated with numerous
prominent lines, of a reddish purple colour. Leaflets o f the
perianthium broad and flat, ending in a short acute point,
obovately ovate, spreading flat, when expanded, the outer
ones about twice the size of the inner ones, closely imbricate
over each other. Atoie«« 6, very variable m length:
iilaments short, smooth, somewhat declining, very variable
in length, about one third of the length of the leaflets. Anthers
bursting as soon as the flowers expand : pollai gulden
yellow, granular. Ovarium smooth and glossw bluntly á-
sided, 3-celled, and 3-valved, many seeded. Ovules in two