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D IA N T H U S Balbisii.
Balbiss Pink.
Linnean Class and Order. D EC ^A N D U IA D IG Y N IA .
Natural Order. C A R Y O P H Y L L EÆ . Juss. gen. 299.
Tribus I. S IL E N EÆ . Sepala coalita in tubum cylindraceum apice 4-
6-dentatum. D C . prodr. 1. p . 351. . „ .
D IA N T H U S . Calyx tubulosus 5-dentatus basi squamis 2 -4 oppositis
imbricatis. P elala 5 longè unguiculata. Stamina 10. S ty h 2
unilocularis. Nemma compressa h iiic con v e x a mde concava, peltata. Embryo
v ix curvatus. I)(J. prodr. I . j). 3 5 5 . , •! i
.Seci. I . A r m e r ia s t r u m . E l o r e s capitati v e l corymbosi, sessiles v e l
^ § 3. Bracteis ovatis vel lanceolatis, calycibus vix striatis glabris.
D . Balbisii, glaucescens, floribus subsessilibus capitato-fasciculatis, squamis
ca ly c inis lanceolatis patulis tubo paulo minoribus, foliis lanceolato-
linearibus, caule ungulato. Seringe Mss. in D C . prodr. 1. p . 3 5 6 . n. 1 6 .
Swt. hort. brit. ed. 2. p . 4 9 . „ ^ 7
Dianthus glaucophyllus. Horn, ex herb. Balb. ex D C . loc. cit.
Perennial. Stem slightly frutescent at the base, from 2 to
3 feet high, branching below, slightly angular, much knotted
at the joints, and thinly clothed with a glaucous mealiness.
Leaves oppoAie, linearly-lanceolate, acute, tapering a little
towards the base, where they are connected, and sheath the
stem a considerable way up, obsoletely 3-nerved glaucous,
spreading, the points generally reflexed or revolute, channelled
on the upper side and keeled at the back, roughish at
the edges. Plowers numerous, in a close, crowded, subdivided
head, sessile, or nearly so. Bractes leaf-like broad,
and short. Calyx tubular, striated with numerous longitudinal
lines, 5-toothed, the teeth lanceolate, erect, and tapering
to a long slender point. Scales 4, surrounding the calyx
at the base, lanceolate, taper-pointed and fimbriate, spreading,
about the length of the tube of the cffiyx inner ones rather
longest, and dilated at the base. Petals 5, dark red,
marked with three darker lines, broadly obovate, toothed,
spreading : unguis broadish, keeled inward, the keel generally
split down the centre, so as to make 2 keels. Stamens
' ES.;r>ii.rhBd. jKb. rm.mj' WeMcllfc.