A N I S A N T H U S splendens.
Splendid Anisanthus.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Naturai Order. IR ID EÆ . Brown p rodr. 1. p . 302.
A N L S A N TH U S . Spatha bivalvis; valvulis lanceolatis acuminatis.
Perianthium corollaceum, tubulosum, unilabiatum ; limbo inæquali, sex-
partito, Fingente ; lacinia suprema longissima cochleariformi, lateralibus sur-
sum flexis, tria infima minima : tubo basi gracili medio triangulari-gibboso.
Stamina 3, adscendentia. Stigmata 3, patentia, cuneato-ligularia, integra,
apice dilatata. Capsula triangulari-oblonga, trivalvis. Semina numerosa,
biserialia, alato-paleacea, cumulata.— Herbæ subpedales v. subtripedales.
Bulbo tuber ovato-rotundum, rigide contextum. Eolia collateralia, plura,
lineari-gladiata, nervosa. Caulis teres aut subangulosus. Flores pulcher-
rimi, coccinei.
A . splendens, scapo simplici erecto, foliis ensiformi-linearibus acutis glabris
nervosis, floribus distichis; lacinia suprema galeata supra canaliculata;
lateralibus adscendentibus: infima minima, spathis subæqualibus.
Anisanthus splendens. Slot. hort. brit. edit. 2. p . 500.
Bulb tuber about the size of a large hazel nut, elothed
with a hard dark brown shell. Stem from 2 to 3 feet high,
purple at the base. Leaves erect, long, linear, or linearly ensiform,
acute, smooth, strongly 2 or 3 nerved, with other
smaller nerves intermixed, oblique at the base. Scape simple,
leafy, nearly cylindrical, and covered with a white glaucous
powder, which easily rubs off. Spike distichous, many-flowered,
the flowers spreading out on each side. Spathe 2-valved ;
valves about equal in length, lanceolate, acute, glaucous,
reaching to the bottom of the limb. Perianthium corollaceum,
tubular, 1-lipped : tube slender at the base, triangularly
gibbous about the middle : limb 6-parted, the upper segment
spoon-shaped, with a long unguis, rounded at the point, and
channelled above, leaning forward like a helmet, of a bright
scarlet: side ones also unguiculate, spreading and ascending,
the unguis membranaceously margined, from the bend ovate,
blunt, also of a bright scarlet: 3 lower ones small, of a yellowish
green, the side ones very small, lanceolate, acute, rigid,
the points bent inwards : lower one broadly spatolate,
the rounded point reflexed, and sometimes tipped with scarlet.
Stamens 3, ascending, inserted in the middle of the gibbous
part of the tube : filaments smooth, attached to the
middle of the back of thé anthers : anthers slightly sagittate
at the base, 2-celled, the cells straight but distinct; pollen
golden yellow, stringy. Ovarium oblong, triangular. Style
smooth, about the length of the stamens. StigmasZ, spreading,
dilated at the points, and slightly fimbriate. Seeds nu-
me'rous, winged.