L Á T H Y R U S venosus.
Yáned Lathyrus.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA D E L P H IA D E C A N D R IA .
Natural Order. L E G UM IN O SÆ . D C . prodr. 2. p. 93.
Subordo I . P a PILIONACEM.— Tribus IN . ViClEÆ. Supraf o l .ïQ i.
sei le^^ 'p j i y R US. Calyx campanulatus 5-fidus, lobis 2 superioribus brevioribus.
Coro«« papilionacea. Siamfoa diadelpha. complanatus,
apice dilatatus, antice villosus aut pubescens. Legumen oblongum, poly-
spermum, bivalve, uniloculare. Semina globosa aut angulata.— Herbæ
soepiàs scandentes. Stipulæ semisagittatæ. PetiolL a p ioe in eirrlmm ramo-
sum abeuntes. Toliola l-3-jwÿa. Pedunculi axiZ/ares. DC . prodr.2. p. 369.
S e c t . I . E u l a t h v e u s . Vexillum basi edentatum. Folíola opposita
vel abortu nulla. Petiolus anguste alatus.
L. venosus, caulibus tetragonis non alatis, foliis 4-5-jugis : foliolis ovatis
obtusis oppositis alternisve mucronatis glabris, cirrhis trifidis, stipulis
sagittato-ovatis basi dentatis, pedunculis multifloris folio brevioribus.
Lathyrus venosus. Willden. sp .p l. 3. p . 1092. P e r^ .tyn .2 . p .3 0 6 Pursh.
l a m e r , sept. 2. p . 471. D C . prodr. 2. p . 371. Spreng. syst. 3. p . 264,
Swt. hort. brit. p . 126. E d it. 2. p . 155. n. 11.
Root perennial. Stems flexuose, ascending, quadrangular,
not winged, slightly pubescent. Leaves pinnate, producing
four or five pair of leaflets, and terminated with a trifid tendril,
which is sometimes again divided: leaflets broadly ovate,
obtuse, terminated with a short mucro, rather fleshy, sometimes
opposite and sometimes alternate, nearly sessile, numerously
nerved, the nerves very much branched, slightly
glaucous, smooth. Petioles angular, raised on the upper side
and keeled on the lower, slightly pubescent when young.
Stipules large, ovate, sagittate at the base, and more or less
toothed, acute, slightly ciliate, strongly veined with numerous
branching veins, nearly as large as the leaflets. Fedun-
cles axillary, 6 to 10-flowered, angular. Floivers purple, with
white wings. Bractes oblongly lanceolate, the lower ones
ovate. Pedicles shorter than the bractes, nodding. Calyx
bell-shaped, 5-cleft, the lacinise lanceolate, acute, fringed,
the two upper ones shortest. Vexillum obcordate, dark pur-
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