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SA X ÍF R A G A retusa.
Purple-ßowered Saxifrage.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA D IG Y N IA .
Natural Order. S A X IF R A G EÆ . Juss. gen. p . 308.
SA X L F R A G A . Calyx 5-fidus. Retala 5, integra. Stamina 10.
S ty li 2, persistentes. Capsula 2-locularis, 2-valvis è stylis persistentibus
birostris : intra rostra foramine orbiculari aperiens, polysperma. Semina
minuta, lævia. D . Don Linn, trans, v. 13. p . 343.
Sect. 6. S a x i f e a g æ VERÆ. CalyX 6-üdus. Reia/a sessilia, perigyna.
Stamina perigyna; fiiamenta plana, sensim attenuata. Stigma patentia,
plana, spathulata, pube brevi barbata. Capsula calyce obvoluta et arctè
connata. Semina ohoyaia.— Herbæ pereimes u. ranssimè annum, Immiles,
densè ccespitoscB plerumque surculosæ. Eolia indivisa v. varié p a rtita in
pluribus rosulata. Caulespolyphylli rarò nudi, multi-v. pauciflori. Flores
albi V. lutei aut rarissime rosei.
§ Foliis indivisis plerumque rosulatis impetiolatis.
S. refusa, caule subtrifloro, foliis imbricatis oblongo-trigonis acutis suprà
perforato-punctatis, petalis lanceolatis acutis, stylis corollam longè su-
perantibus. D . Don Linn. trans, v. 13. p . 400.
Saxifraga refusa. Gouan illus. 28. 1 .18. / . 1. Lapeyr. pyrcn. saxif. p. 38.
f. 18. Lam. et D C . flor. frane. IV. p . 306. Pers. syn. \ . p. 488. Sternb.
saxif. p . 37. Wahlen. carpath. U 8 . Spreng. syst. 2. p . 300. n. 02. Sivt.
hort. brit. p. 182. n. 49. ed it.2 . p .2 4 l . n. 54.
Saxifraga purpurea. A ll.p ed . 1631. t . 21. f . 2 .
Antiphylla refusa. Haworth Saxifrageorum enumeratio. p . 44.
Perennial, growing in a close dense tuft, producing numerous
branches in all directions: ¿rawc/eiprocumbent, rigid,
branching,densely clothed with leaves. Leaves small, opposite,
closely imbricate in four ranks, succulent, oblong, three sided;
or obsoletely keeled on the under side; flat on the upper side,
but hollow at the base, smooth and glossy, fringed at the base;
perforated with three minute holes on the upper side, one a
little within the point, and one on each side, the points acute
and sometimes slightly recurved. Flower-stems erect, from
an inch to two inches in height, two to four flowered, densely
clothed with spreading villous glandular hairs, bearing a few
leaves, that are very succulent, obovate, keeled at the back.
Flowers of a rosy purple. Pedieles slender, and with the calyx
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