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E SC A L LÔ N IA glandulosa.
Glandular Escallonia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. E SC A L LO N EÆ . R . Brown, in Franklin’s Narrai
tive o f a Journey to the Shores o f the Polar Sea, in the years 1819—1822.
p . 765.
E S C A L L O N IA . Calycis tubus semiglobosus ovario adnatus, limbus
5-dentatus, 5-lobusve. P etala 5 calyce inserta. Stamina 5 ; antberæ ovato-
oblongæ. Stylus filiformis persistens. Stigma peltatum, sulco snbbilobnm.
Capsula baccata, calycinis lobis styloque coronata, subbilocularis, basi poris
irregulariter rumpens, dissepimento supernè incompleto et ibi placentifero.
Semina numerosissima scrobiculata.—Arbores fruticesve (ex Amer. aust.)
ortæ sæpè resinosæ. Folia sparsa serrata aut integra. Elores subterminales
varié dispositi, bracteati, albi aut rosei.— In speciebus duabus (E . punctata
et rubra) urceolus adest conicus pervius basi stylum cingens ? A n , ex hàc
causà, genus aut sectio propria formanda? sed habitus Cum aliis speciebus
omninò congruit. D C . prodr. par. 4. p. 2-3.
** Floribus in racemos paniculasve terminales dispositis.
E. glandulosa, ramis erectis: junioribus subangulatis viscoso-glandulosis,
foliis oblongo-ellipticis obtusiusculis basi attenuatis petiolatis glabris
margine crenulatis ; supra nitidis : subtus penninerviis reticulato-venosis,
racemis terminalibus foliosis, pedunculis subtrifioris calycibusque viscoso
glandulosis, calycis dentibus subulatis integerrimis patentibus, petalis
Escallonia glandulosa. Lodd. bot. cab. i.l2 9 1 . Swt. hort. brit. e d it,2. p. 239.
A handsome, erect, bushy, evergreen Shrub: branches
erect, or more or less spreading, clothed with a glossy red
bark, when young slightly angular, and clothed with numerous
little viscous sessile glands. Leaves rigid, smooth, oblongly
elliptic, bluntish, but ending in a short point, not
mucronate, finely notched at the edges, between serrulate
and crenulate, attenuated towards the base, and petiolate,
smooth and glossy on the upper side; underneath paler,
with a strong midrib, feather-nerved, and reticulately veined:
decreasing in size upwards. Petioles about three lines long,
clothed more or less with small glands, furrowed on the up-
jer side. Raceme terminal, leafy, the leaves small, and a
ittle longer than the peduncles. Peduncles 2 to 3-flowered :
the upper ones only 1-flowered, thickened a little at the base
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