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L U P ÌN U S pulchellus.
Pretty Lupine.
Class and Order. M O N A D E L P H IA D E C A N D R IA .
Naturai Order. L E G UM IN O SÆ . D C .prodr. 2. p . 93.
Subordo I . P A P IL IO N A C E Æ . Eméri/o homotropus pleurorhizeus
nempè radiculâ super loborum commissuram pronâ. Sepala per æstivationem
imbricata autsubvalvata. P e ta la in corollam papilionaceam disposita,
semper ideò irregularia, staminaque imô calyci inserta seu perigyna.— Folia
Simplicia aut simpliciter composita, nunquam bi nec tripinnata. DC.
prodr. 2. p. 94.
Tribus Y . P h a s e o l e ® . Supra folio 12, series 2.
L U P IN U S . Supra folio 12 , series2.
L. pulchellus, fruticosus erectus ramosus : ramis erectis sericeo-pubescenti-
bus, foliolis 7-5 oblongo-lanceolatis acutis mucronatis basi attenuatis
subtus pubescentibus adpresso-pilosis, stipulis setaceis, racemis medi-
ocribus pedunculatis, floribus verticillatis, bracteis caducis setaceis pedicellis
longioribus, calycis labio utroque integro.
Lupinus pulchellus. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2. p . 589.
A handsome upright frutescent species, producing many
branches : branches erect, somewhat angular, thickly clothed
with a very short close pubescence, stained with purple at
the joints. Leaves alternate, producing from 7 to 5 leaflets,
which are oblongly or broadly lanceolate, acute, terminated
by a long sharp mucrone, attenuated towards the base,
punctated with innumerable small dots, densely clothed with
short downy hairs underneath, that are close-pressed to the
leaflet, and give it a whitish appearance ; upper side smoother,
but thinly clothed also with close-pressed hairs, scarcely
discernible without the aid of a lens, giving a somewhat
silky appearance. Petioles about the length of the leaflets,
dilated at the base, where they are joined to the stem, thickly
clothed with short woolly down, nearly cylindrical Stipules
setaceous or bristle-like, very slender, attached to the base
of the petioles. Racemes terminal, pedunculate. Peduncles
about three inches long, thickly clothed with a short woolly
pubescence. Flowers in a longish raceme, rather crowded,
produced in whorls of 5 or 6 in each, ürflcto small, similar
to the stipules but shorter, deciduous. Pedicles short, cylindrical,
clothed with short woolly down. Calyx 2-lipped,
silky : both thelips entire : the upper one short, ovate, scarcely
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