P H L O X cordata.
Heart-leaved Lychnidea.
1? 4»
P H L O X . Supra, fol. 7. series 2.
V cordata foliis oblongo-cordatis subacuminatis margine scabris,
c r ym £ p a n ic u la t is ,ily c ib u s lo n g e a r is ta t t s . E ll. car. 1. p. 244.
' Stems several, erect, 2 to 3 feet high, smooth slightly
amrular. o b l o n g , somewhat taper-pomted, penni^
erved, the nerves branched, smooth on both sides
but very rough at the edges, of a darkish green on the
u pplr side and pale underneath: lower ones petiolate,
9 opposite, somewhat tapering to the base: the upper
’ S often alternate, nearly sessile «
’ auriculate at the base. Corymbs terminal and axillary,
? somewhatpanicled, many-flowered,
1 of a bright purplish lilac, very fragrant. Bractes Imeav
^ taner-pointed, longer than the pedicles, smooldi. Ped
lea nnrl calvx slightly pubescent, the pubescence
“X r j X w W u tih e aid ot a lea., C a l,. tubuTar
5-angled; and terminated in 5 long arts as, as long
tiil Oihp of the calvx. Corolla tubular, with a 5-cleft
S r S n W i m i f & densely pnbeseent on the
T ls S e V ie purple; Imh spreading, tliesegments obo-
V e , rounded^ dlstinetl, sprerfing,
at the base, of a purple lilae, ligh er at the edges. S «-
mens 5 inserted in difl'erent parts of the tube, 2 or 3
of the anthers exserted at the mouth, the
closed : filaments short, smooth, attached to the back of
the anthers. Ovarium smooth. Style smooth, included
n the tube. Stigma ^ - M . roundly oval, 3-
valved, with one'seed in each cell. Seed oblong, rough.
V O L . I . ^
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