Ó X A L IS floribunda.
Abundant-flowering Wood-Sorrel.
ClassSf Order. P E N T -D E C A N D R IA P E N T A G Y N IA .
Natural Order. O X A L ID EÆ . DC . p r o * . 1. p. 689.
O X A L IS . Calyx 5-sepalus, sepalis libens aut basi coalitis. Pétala g.
Stamina 10, filamentis basi breviter monadelphis, 5 exterioribus alternis
brevioribus. S ty li 5 apice penicilliformes aut capitati. Capsula pentágona
oblonga aut cylindracea.— Herbæ perennes, caulescentes stipitata; aut
acaules: foliis variis sed nunquàm abrupte pinnatis. DC. prodr. 1 . p. 690.
Sect. I I . Coruiculatæ, caulibus basi non bulbosis herbaceis (rarissime
suffruticosis) foliosis, pedunculis rariàs \-floris sæpiùs bi-aut multifloris,
fo liis palmato-trifoliatis, foliolis omnibus sessilibus obcordatis.
O. floribunda, subcaulescens, caule brevi subcarnoso, foliis numerosis
verticillato-confertis longe petiolatis villosulis : foliolis obcordatis ferru-
einoso-villosis, pedunculis multifloris elongatis folio triplo longioribus,
calycibus corollisque sericeo-villosis, stylis staminibus duplo longiori-
OxaiiHfloribunda. Lehman, nov. act. acad. cas. nat. cur. tom. 14. p. 813-
814. non Bot. reg.
Root tuberous, solid, jointed. Stem short, simple,
what succulent, of a brown scaly appearance, occasioned by
the remains of the decayed leaves and stipules. Leaves numerous,
in crowded whorls, all crowded m a dense tuit,
each producing three leaflets; leaflets sessile, broadly obcordate,
with a deep notch at the end, attenuated to the base,
fringed at the margins, and thickly clothed on both sides
with short brown hairs, and bearing two irregular rows ot
brown scaly glands on the under side, a little within the
maroin becoming flat when old, but when young bent inwards
a little on each side. Petioles nearly cylindrical, but
flat and winged with a thin membrane on each side near the
base thickly clothed with short hairs, like the leaves, as are
also the peduncles and pedicles. Peduncles numerous, apparently
one between each leaf, long and slender, cylindrical,
about three times the length of the leaf-stalks. Umbels
generally 7 or 8-flowered. Flowers of a bright rose colour
lined from the base with darker lines. Lnvolucre of several
small ligulate bractes, unequal in size and length, ending in
blunt points. Pedicles slender, about an inch and a halt m
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