IMhizid Jf Éi'iddgiiJù’-
SO L D A N È L L A minima.
Least Soldanella.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. P R IM U L A C E iE . Broivn prodr. 1. p . 427.
SO L D A N E L L A . Supra folio 48. series 2.
S. minima, foliis orbiculatis obsolete crenulatis integerrimisve, scapo sub-
imifloro pubescente, laciniis calycis lanceolatis acutis arete adpressis,
corollis subcylindricis intus lineatis, stylo incluso.
Soldanella minima. Hoppe in Sturm, f l . germ. fa se . 20. Schult, f l . aust.
ed. 2 . 1 . p . 373 . Wahlenb. carpath. p. 56. Roem. et Schult. syst. v. 4.
p . 132. Slot. hort. brit. p. 329. edit. 2. p . 423.
Perennial, tufted, producing numerous short branches,
which soon form a dense tuft. Leaves very small, orbicular,
entire, or very slightly crenulate at the edges, of a bright
glossy green on the upper side, and paler underneath. Petioles
short and slender, tinged with purple, and clothed with
a glandular pubescence. Scapes erect, stout, about the length
of the finger, densely clothed with a rough glandular pubescence,
generally 1-flowered, but occasionally producing two.
Flower bell-shaped, nearly cylindrical, but spread a little at
the mouth, of a pale blue or lilac, nodding. Practes 2, at the
base of the pedicle, unequal in length, one about half the
length of the pedicle, the other about half that length, thinly
clothed with short glandular hairs, as is also the calyx. Pedicles
very short, nodding, densely clothed with glandular
hairs. Calyx deeply 5-parted, the segments broadly lanceolate,
bluntish, close pressed to the corolla. Corolla campanulate,
tubular, nearly cylindrical, spread a little at the
mouth, jagged about one-third of the way down, the segments
linear and blunt at the ends, of a pale bine, approaching
to lilac on the outside ; the inside elegantly striped with
numerous purple lines from the base to the bottom of the
segments. Stamens 5, very short, inserted in the throat, near
the base of the tjibe : Jilaments very short, smooth, mserted
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