C E N T R O C A R PH A grandiflora.
Largest-flowered Centrocarpha.
Class^Order. S Y N G E N E S IA P O L Y G AM IA F R U S T R A N E A .
Naturai Order. C OM PO S ITÆ . Adan son fam .2 . p . 103.
Subordo X . H E L IA N T H E Æ . Cassini in journ. de phys. tom. 76.
^ ^ (ÌÈN TRO C A R P H A . Involucrum simplici v. duplici ordine polyphyllum,
patens. Receptaculum conicum, paleaceum : paleis navicularibus ri-
gidis sæpiùs acuminatis, pungentibus, deciduis. Flosculi ra d ii ligulari,
neutri • disci hermaphroditi, infundibuliformes, 5-dentati ; tubo pentagono .
t o c ” ;uperuè g ra d lim dilatata, basi atteuuatà. »zumata mucronulata,
hispidula^ recurvata. Achenia 4-angula ; coro»»to mtegrà brevissimà, truu-
catà membranaceâ.-Herbæ (Amer. Boreal.) sc a b ra ,ra d ic ep e ren n i.Y oh a
alterna, plerumque indivisa. Capitula solitaria. Radius aureus. Discus
atropurpureus. D . Don Mss.
C arandiflora, caule elato 3-4-pedali subramoso : r a m i s angiilatis hispidis,
■ foliis to io la tis acutis basi attenuatis reticulato-venosis undique hirsutis.
inferimibus ovatis septemnerviis crenato-dentatis ; superioribus lanceola-
tìs a c ltis scaberrimisribsolete crenatis, involucri foliolis brevissimi* radio
dorso tomentoso quintuplo brevioribus.
Rudbeckia nudicaulis. Nuttall Mss. nec aliorum.
Root perennial. Stem in our specimen, about 3 feet and a half in height,
hispidly hairy, furrowed with numerous furrows, bearing only 3 brandies,
verv roueh and rigid ; lower ones ovate, acute, 7-nerved, and notctiea on
both sides Aith broad shallow notches, in our specimen 8 inches long, and
L w i C l ones on shorter footstalks, lanceolate scarcely crenulate,
l im h L s ribbed but very rough to the touch, the edges appearing serrulated
with stiff bristly h a ir l Petioles on the lower leaves from 6 to 8 inches
and a half in length, channelled on the inner side, and rounded on foe «"‘fG
much dilated at the base. Peduncles long and rigid,
riinrt bristle-like hairs, that are more or less pressed towards tue stem.
Flowers terminal, very large, when fully expanded, nearly 6 inches across,
hearimr golden yellow rays, and a brownish purple disk. Involua-e o i nnmeroiifleaflets,
very short, and ¿ ° 'L l h T h t o r S ^ C ^
the ravs • the leaflets linear, acute, rigid, and clothed with short, rigm, im
pressed iiairs. Receptaculum conical, cliafly, the chaff deciduous. Rays
barren numerous, very broad and long, and spreading round in “ eie a it
m aT n l bifid at the point, or sometimes 3-toothed, densely clotted ^ t h
woolly iiairs at the hack, and raany-nerved, smoofoon teeth
ref, n fth e disk tubulai, 5-angular, 5-toothed, pubescent, purple, the teeth
hluntCh spreading or somewhat reflexed, each floret partly inclosed in one
t e t t e t ’a es of t e ’ch^^^ receptacle. Chaffy Scales rigid, spathulate, pn-
tescent S e d at the te c k , concave, the hollow spoon-like upper part
t e l i a t e , a c C , nearly as long as the florets. Stamens 5 ; filaments distinct,
i: if!