K S3SnUh.âü-,
G A N YM È D E S pulchellus.
White-cupped Ganymedes.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra lO rd e r. AM A R Y L L ID EÆ . Brown p r o d r .\. p . 298.
Sect. V . Spatha monophylla. 1. v. multiflora. Perianthium tubnlo-
sum, petaloideum, 6-partitum, coronatum.
G A N YM E D E S . Perianthium segmentis Cyclaminum more reflexæ ;
coronâ penduli poculiformi duplo vel plus longiores. Genitalia recta graci-
lia valde inæqualia. Fiiamenta tria tubo breviora et eo connata fere ad
antheras erectas lineares : tria alia e tubo progredientia usque ad 3 lineas,
et libera ultra tubum at coronâ breviora. Ovarium triloculare ; loculis polyspermis
quadrifariam productus. Stylus coronâ longior usque 2-3 lineas et
ultra : stigmate trilobo exiguo pallido.— Herbæ bulbosoe elegantes Europeoe.
Corbulariarum/o/iïs et habitu, a t majores, et spathis 2-7 Jloris, floribus cernuis
nutantibusve, albis; sivepallidissime luteis, stramineisve; et delicatissime
snaveolentibus. Haworth Narciss. revis, in Suppl. plant, succ. p. 130.
G. pulchellus, pluriflorus, foliis erectis linearibus subsemicylindricis striatis
supra canaliculatis, ovarium obtuse trigonum ovale, perianthii segmentis
longitudine tubi reflexis lanceolatis, corona segmentis breviore poculi-
forrai 6-fida repandula, filamentis superioribus tubo paulo altioribus,
stylo incluso.
Ganymedes pulchellus. Salisb. in H ort. trans, v . l . p . 354. Haworth Narc.
revis. in Supp. p l. succ. p . 132.
Narcissus pulchellus. Salisb. prodr. p . 223. Sivt. hort. brit. edit. 2. p . 515.
Narcissus triaiidrus v. luteus. Botan. magaz. 1 .1262.
Narcissus juncifolius flore luteo reflexo. P a rk , parad. p . 92.
Bulb round, about the size of a Blackbird’s egg, clothed
with a thin pale brown membranaceous scale. Leaves narrowly
linear, acute, semicylindrical, striated with prominent
longitudinal lines, channelled on the upper side, dark green,
smooth, about the length of the scape. Mape erect, cylindrical,
smooth, from 6 to 9 and a half inches in height. Spathe
1-valved, membranaceous, lanceolate, acute, striated with
numerous lines, 1 to 4-flowered. Peduncles bluntly triangular,
some longer than the spathe, others not so long. Ovarium
oval, bluntly 3-angular. Perianthium corolla-like, tubular,
crowned, and the crown surrounded by 6 petal-like
leaflets : tube about 11 lines long, bluntly triangular, slenderest
at the base, and becoming gradually inflated upwards ;
leaflets elliptically oblong, cuspidate at the points, of a pale
yellow, all reflexed, and somewhat twisted, about the length
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