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Adans.fam. Aclanson (Michel.) Families
des plantes, 2 vol. in 8vo. Paris, 1763.
A. DC. camp. De Candolle (Alphonso.)
Monographic des Campanulees, 4to. 1830.
All. ped. Car. Allioni Flora Pedemontana.
Andr. repos. Andrevps (Henry.) The Botanist’s
Repository for new and rare
plants, 4to. 1797, et seq.
Barrel, ic. Barreliero (Jac.) Pianta; per
Galliam, Hispaniam, et Italiam, observa-
tse, Iconibus aeneia exhibit® a Jac. Barreliero.
Bart. flor. amer. Barton (W.) Barton’s
Flora of North America, 2 vol. 8vo.
Baumgarten et Hop. flor. Bauragarten
(Joh. Christ. Gotti.) et Hoppe (Tob.
Conr.) Flora Lipsiensis, 1 vol. 8vo. Lipsia,
Berg. phyt. ic. Bergeret. Phytonomato-
technie universelle, 3 vol. in folio, Paris.
Bess. enum. pi. Volhyn. Besser (Wilib.)
Catalogiis horti Botanici Wolhyniensis
Cremenici, 8vo. 1811—1816.
Bot. magai. Curtis’s Botanical Magazine,
continued by J . Sims, J . Bellenden Ker,
and W. J . Hooker, 8vo. with coloured
Bot. reg. Edwards (Sydenham.) The Botanical
Register desc. by J . B. Ker, 8vo.
1815, with coloured figures, continued
by J . Bindley.
Bot. rep, Andrews(Henry.) The Botanist’s
Repositoiy for new and rare plants, 4to.
Brown prodr. Brown (Robertus.) Pro-
dromusfiorscNovmHoUandi®, 1vol. 8vo.
Londini, 1810.
Btixb. cent. Buxbaum (Joh. Christ.) Plan-
tarum minus cognitarnm Centuri® qifin-
que, 4to. 1728—1740, Petropoli.
Cates, car. Catesby (Mark.) The Natural
History of Carolina, and Florida, fol.
Caran. icone. Cavan, ic. Cavanilles (Ant.
Jos.) IconesetDescriptiones Plantarum,
qu® et spoilte in Hispania orcscunt ant in
Hortus hospitantur, fol. 1791.
Colla in act. taurin. Colla. Miscellanea
pliilosophico-mathematica societatis privai
® Taurina, 1 vol. in 4to. Taurini, 1759.
Column, phytob. Columna (Fabius.) Phy-
tobasanos, 4to. 1592, 1 vol. in 4to. Nea-
poli, 1592, edit. 2, cum adnot J . Planci.
Mediolani, 1794.
DC. prod. De Candolle (Augustin Py-
raraus.) Prodromus Systema Natur®
regni vegetabilium, 4 vol. 4to. 1824—
DC. reg. veg. syst. nat. De Candolle (Aug.
Pyr.) Regni vegetabiiis systema naturale,
2 vol. 8vo. 1st, 1818—2nd, 1821.
D. Don obs. on polemon, and various other
things in the Edinburgh Philosophical
D. Don. Don (David.) Prodromus flor®
nov® hollandi®, 8vo. London, 1825.
D. Don. Sax. David Don’s arrangement
of Saxifraga in the Linnean Society’s
Transactions, v. 13, 4to. 1822, London.
Des/, ail. Desfontaines (Rene Louiche.)
Flora Atlantica, 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1798,
Dill. elth. Dillenius (Joh. Jac.) Hortus
Elthamensis, 2 vol. fol. London, 1732.
Ell. car. Elliot (Steph.) A Sketch of the
Botany of South Carolina and Georgia,
in8vo. Charlestown. Fase. 1-2,1810. 3-4,
Feuill. peruv. Feuillee (Louis.) Journal
des observasiones Physiques, Mathema-
tiques et Botaniques faites dans I’Ame-
que meridionale, 4to. 1814.
Flor. dan. leones plantarum sponte nas-
centium in regnis Dani® et Norvegi®,
fol. 1761.
Gmel. sib. Gmelin (John George.) Flora
Sibirica, 4to. 1747.
Goldie in Edinburgh Philosophical Journal.
Gouan ill. Gouan (Anton.) lllustrationes
Botanic®, folio, 1773.
Gronov. virg. Gronovius (J . Fred.) Flora
Virginica exhibens plantas quas J . Clayton
in Virginia collegit, 1 vol. 8vo. Lugd.
bat. 1743, edit. 2. Lugd. bat. in4to.l762.
Guimp. abbild. Guimpel (F.) Abbildung
derfreinden in Deutschland, aus dauernden
Hutgarden, &c. in 4to. Berlin.
Haw. Sax. enum. Haworth (Adrian Hardy.)
Saxifragearnm enumeratio.Bondon,1821,
Henck. et Donners, adunib. Henckel Don-
nermarck (Leo. Viet.) Adumbrationes
plantarum nonnullarum horti Halensis,
4to. Hale, 1806.
Herbert, bot. mag. Herbert (William) in
various parts of the Botanical Magazine,
and Botanical Register.
Hook. ex. flor. Hooker (W. J .) Exotic
flora, 8vo. 2 vol.
Hopp. taschenb. Hoppe (Bavid Heinr.)
Botanische taschenbuch auf das jahr.
1790—1791, &c. in 8vo.
Hornem. hort. hyfn. Horneman (J . W.)
Hortus regins botanicus Hafniensis.
Pars. 1. H a u n ia ,lS l3 ,8 vo .
Hort. Kew. Aiton (W. et W. T.) Hortus
Kewensis, e d .l. 3 vol. 8vo. 1789, edit.2.
vol. 5. 8vo. vol. 1, 1810, vol. 5,1813.
Humb. Bonpl. et Kth. nov. gen. amer. Humboldt,
Bonpland, and Kunth. Nova
plantarum genera et species, 4to. Paris,
vol. 1. 1825, et seq.