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F U C H S IA thymifolia.
Changeable-coloured Fuchsia.
Linnean Class and Order. O C T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. O N A G R A R IEÆ . B C . prodr. v. 3. p . 35.
T r ib u s II . F U C H S IEÆ . Fructus baccati. Calycis tubus supra ovarium
productus.— Arbores aut Fructices omnes Americani, oppositiiolii.—
Tribus ad Myrtaceas habitu accedens.
F U C H S IA . Supra fol. 16. series 2.
Sect. I . Q u e l u s ia . Calycis tubus cylindraceus aut obconicus suprà
ovarium attenuatus aut constrictus. Ovula in quoqne loculo biserialia. F olia
opposita aut verticillata rarissime subalterna.— Fructices Americani.
F. thymifolia, ramis elongatis virgatis pubescentibus, foliis ovatis acutiusculis
integerrimis v. subdenticulatis basi rotundatis opacis peuninerviis
utrinque subpubescentibus, pedicellis axillaribus simplicibus petiolo
longioribus, calycis lobis reflexis, petalis cuneatis subtrilobis expansis,
stigmate crasso quadrilobo.
Fuchsia thymifolia. Humb. Bonpl. et K th . nov. gen. et spec. 6. p . 104. t. 535.
K th . synops. 3. p. 394. D C . prodr. 3. p. 37.
A handsome branching shrub ; the one from which our drawing
was taken, was about three feet high, and much branched :
branches slender, elongated, a little compressed, of a reddish
purple, densely clothed with a short thin pubescence. Leaves
opposite, or rarely somewhat alternate, ovate, rounded at the
base, generally acute, but some rather bluntish, entire, or rarely
producing a few gland-like teeth, of a pale opake green,
clothed on both sides with a short pubescence, fringed at
the margins,underneath of a paler colour, horizontally spreading.
Petioles rather long, and very slender, furrowed on the
upper side, and convex below, densely pubescent. Flowers
axillary, solitary, of a pale blush or lilac when first expanded,
soon changing to a bright red, and dying off deep crimson.
Peduncles slender, pubescent, nodding, a little longer
than the petioles. Ovarium below the flower, nearly globular,
glossy, but pubescent. Calyx tubular, turbinate, slender
at the base and widening upwards, pubescent : limb 4-
cleft, the segments broad at the base, tapering to a long
slender point, reflexed. Petals 4, inserted in the inouth of the
calyx, wedge-shaped, lobed or notched at the point, spreading
flat open, a little longer than the segments of the calyx.
Stamens^, four inserted in the mouth, opposite to the segments
of the calyx, and slightly exserted ; the other four a little lower
down the tube, opposite to the petals : jilaments very short,
attached to the back of the anthers, a little above the base .
anthers ovate before bursting. Style smooth, white, much
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