A L S T ROE M È R IA psittacina.
Parrot-lilce Alstroemeria,
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. AM A R Y L L ID EÆ . Broion p io d r. 1. p . 29G.
Sect. IV . A L S T R OE M E R IÆ . PenaBi/iiam subcampanulatum,
sexpartitum, irreguläre. Stigma trifidum. Capsula trilocularis ; loculis
polyspermis. Semina rotunda, sæpè extus carnosa.—Radix tuberosa.
Herbæ caulescentes: caulis erectus, scandens aut volubilis, fo lia -
tns. Flores terminales, umbellati aut subpaniculati.
A L S T ROE M E R L A . Perianthium superum, petaloideum, subcam-
panulatum, sexpartitum, irreguläre; laciniis duabus interioribus basi
tubuloso-convolutis. Stamina 6, laciniis inserta, demum declinata.
Stigma trìMum. Copsiefo trilocularis; loculis polyspermis. S w t.b r .
flor. gar. ser. 1. t. 228.
A . psittacina, glaberrima, caule erecto maculato, foliis oblongo-lan-
ceolatis acutis nervosis basi attenuatis tortis, umbellis multifloris,
pedunculis unifloris angulatis, perianthii laciniis acutis superne ma-
culatis : interioribus lanceolatis: exterioribus oblongo-spathulatis
basi longe attenuatis.
Alstroemeria psittacina. Lehmann, cat. hort. hamb. 1826, ex Schultes
syst. veg. v. 7. pa r. 1. p . 739.
Stems several from the same root, erect, smooth,
leafy, the leaves rather distant, upper part quite naked,
spotted all over with innumerable pale purple spots: the
sterile branches much shorter than the flower-bearing
ones, and their stems spotted with fainter spots. Leaves
smooth, sessile, attenuated and twisted at the base,
veined with numerous veins, slightly .decurrent down
the stem, of a bright glossy green on the upper side,
which should have been the under only for the twist at
the b ase: the lower side paler, and producing numerous
veins, as if really the lower side, but it is only such by
the twist at the base of the leaf: those on the sterile
branches ovate, bluntish, more numerously veined than
those on the fertile ones, and of a paler colour: these
on the flower-bearing ones distant, narrower, oblongly
lanceolate, acute, regularly attenuated towards the base,
not so abruptly as those on the sterile ones. Involucre
of 9 to 12 bracteal leaves, unequal in size and form,
oblongly lanceolate, linearly lanceolate, and linear,
acute, of the form and texture of the leaf, with a twist
also at their base, a little longer than the peduncles.
Umbels many-flowered, in our specimen 10-flowered.
Peduncles about an inch long, six-angled, the angles
more or less winged. Ovarium helow the perianthium,
deeply and sharply six-angled, the angles margined