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F U C H S IA microphylla.
Small-leaved Fuchsia.
Limican Class and Order. O C T A N D K IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. O N A G R A R IEÆ . D C . prodr. 3. p . 35.
Tribus 1 1. F U C H S IEÆ . Fructus baccati. Calycis tubus suprà
ovarium productus.—Arbores aut I'rutices omiies Americani, opposi-
tifolii.—d’ribus ad Myrtaceas habita accedens.
F U C H S IA . Calycis tubus basi ovario adhærens, supernè productus
ili tubuni cyliiidraceum 4-lobiim post anthesin articulatim deci-
duuin. P e la la 4 summo tubo inserta lobis alterna, rariùs 0. Stamina
3. Ovarium glandidà urceolatà coroiiatum. Stylus filiformis. Stiyma
capitatum. Dacca obloiigo aut ovato-globosa 4-lociilaris 4-valvis polysperma.—
Frutices. Folia sccpiiis apposita. Vedicnliaxillaresl-Jlori,
interdùm ad apices ramorum racemosi. Flores sæpiùs mutantes, rubri
rarius albi, interdùm à-fidi W-andri. DC . prodr. 3. p. 36.
Sect. I. Q üELUSIA. Calycis tubus cylindraceus aut obconicus
suprà ovarium atteiiuatus aut constrictus. Ovula in quoque loculo
hiserialia. Folia opposita aut verticillata rarissime subalterna.—
Frutices Americani.
F. microphylla, ramis hirtellis, foliis minutis oppositis elliptico-oblongis
acutiusculis dentatis glahris subciliatis, calyce infundibuli-
formi; laciniis ovatis acuminatis, petalis emarginato-bilobis, sta-
minibiis inclusis. K th . synops. 3. p . 394.
Fuchsia microphylla. Humb. Bonpl. et K th . nov. gen. amer. 6.
p . 103. t. 534. D C .p ro d r. 3. p . 36.
A handsome upright bushy evergreen Shrub: branches
numerous, tinged with a purplish red, thickly clothed
with short hairs. Leaves opposite, petiolate, elliptically
oblong, more or less acute, toothed with small
bluntish teeth, smooth and glossy, but slightly fringed
at the edges, of a bright green on the upper side ; and
pale, somewhat glaucous underneath. Petioles slender,
shorter than the leaves, bent a little like a joint near
the base, channelled on the upper side and rounded
below, thinly clothed with short hairs, of a pale green
when young, but changing to a bright red by age. Stipules
very small, broad at the base, ending in a subulate
point. Flowers axillary, solitary, of a bright red, nodding.
Pedicles slender, pubescent, more or less tinged
with red, nodding, about the length of the tube. Ovarium
globular, purple, smooth and glossy. Calyx tubular,
funnel-form, of a bright red, approaching to scarlet;
tube nearly cylindrical, bluntly and obsoletely fourangled:
limb 4-cleft, the segments ovate, taper-pointed.
Petals roundly ovate, slightly emarginate, two or three