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ÌR I S flavescens.
Pale yellow Flower de luce.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. IR ID E iE . Brown prodr. p . 302.
IR IS . Perianthium (i-partiturn magnum; laciniis 3 alternis rectis i
3 alternis reflexis intùs barbatus aut imberbibus basi staminiferis. » a -
mina 3 . Stylus brevis; stigmata 3, petaloidea, oblonga, magna, staminibus
incumbentia, sulco longitudinali nectarifero marginato suprà exarata.
Sect. I . B a r b a t a . Corollis barbatis, fo liis ensiformibns.
\ . flavescens, foliis lanceolatis acutis subplicatis caule ramoso dimidio brevioribus,
spathis inferioribus subfoliaceis ; superioribus membranaceis,
perianthii laciniis exterioribus deflexis : interioribus obovatis basi intus
longe pilosis, tubo ovario sexsulcato longitudine.
Iris flavescens. Redoute liliac. v. 7. f .375. Rcem. et Schult. syst. u. l . p . 458.
Swt. hort. brit. p . 395. edit. 2. p . 496.
Roots tuberous, kuotted, similar to several other species.
Stem about two feet high, smooth, but slightly covered with
a thiu mealiness, nearly twice the length of the leaves,
generallyfrom 4 to 6-flowered, leafy towards the base, naked
from below the middle upwards. Leaves distichous, somewhat
plaited, or strongly nerved so as to occasion a plaited
appearance, and thinly covered with a white powder, straight
or occasionally a little twisted : lower ones sword-shaped,
from 9 to 15 inches in length, ending in a sharp point : stem-
ones shorter, somewhat falcate, lanceolate, clasping the stem
at their base. Bractes membranaceous, the length of the
tube : lower one leaflike, with membranaceous point and
margins ; upper ones thin and membranaceous, surrounding
the ovarium and tube of the flower, of a brownish white
colour. Flowers sessile, of a pale yellow : tube green, slightly
triangular, about the length of or a little longer than the
ovarium : limb spreading : the three outer segments broadly
obovate, rounded at the points, becoming gradually slenderer
downwards : bearded with bright yellow hairs about half
way up, and marked with numerous branching brown veins
from the base to about halfway up, becoming paler upwards,
at first flat and spreading, afterwards reflexed from about
the middle : three inner segments erect, the points bent
inwards a little, obovate, very much attenuated at the base,
where the sides close inwards, and enclose a tuft oi long
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