L O B E L IA decúrrens.
Winged-stemmed Lobelia.
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Class and Order. M O N A D E L P H IA P E N T A N D R IA .
Natural Order. L O B E L IA C EÆ . Juss. ann. mus W . p . l .
L O B E L IA Calyx sæpissimè ovario adnatus ; limbo libero, quinque-
partito Cmolia tubulosa; tubo integro aut dorso longitudinaliter bsso ;
limbo 5-partito, subbilabiato. Stamina ò ; antheroe connata. Stigma bdo-
bum aut indivisum. Capsula semisupera, bi-rarius trilocularis, apice locu-
licido-bivalvis. Semina creberrima.— Herbæ, frútices aiti arbores, sæpius
lactescentia. YoMa alterna, integra aut laciniata, rarissime fistulosa.
terminales, spicati, aut axillares solitarii, pedicellis hibraeteatis aut nudis.
Corollæ alboe, coeruleoe aut rubrce. Antheræ sæpms barbatæ. Kth. synops.
*^Soet. I I I . Loheliæ herbaoeæ, erectæ aut procumbentes,fioribus terminalibus,
spicatis, rarius axillaribus solitariis, tubo corollæ dorso longitudinaliter
L. decurrens, foliis ovato-lanceolatis decurrentibus confertis dupbcato-ser-
ratis glabris, floribus axillaribus breviter pedunculatis, calycto villosi
laciniis lanceolatis inciso-serratis, corollæ lacmiis apice pilosis. Spreng.
Lobelia decurrens. Cavanill. Icon. v .6 . p . 13. t. 521. Pers. synops. v .2 .
p. 212. Roem. et Schult. syst. v. 5. p . 42.
Perennial, herbaceous. Stems smooth, from 3 to 5 feet
in heio'ht, thickly clothed with leaves, which are decurrent
down” the stem, and form broad sharply toothed wings.
Leaves ovately-laiiceolate, sessile, and decurrent, tapering
to a sharp slender point, sharply and doubly serrated on
both sides, generally bearing from two to four short teeth
between each pair of long ones, smooth and of a glossy
bright green on both sides, varying m length, the lower
ones 5 inches or more in length, upper ones scarcely an inch :
lower ones to a considerable distance up the stem an inch
in breadth, the upper ones becommg gradually narrower.
Floivers axillary, solitary, forming a leafy spike, of a pale
purple. Peduncles short, villosely pubescent. Practes I,
narrowly linear, tapering to a slender point, hairy and fringed
serrated with long distant teeth, attached to the peduncle
near the base. Calyx hemispherical, clothed with
short villous hairs ; limb deeply divided into 5 segments,
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