hy Jhde'dÿway2S9Aire,Æ i^. A ^iílS JL
A Q U IL ÈG IA sibirica.
Siberian Columbine.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA P E N T A G Y N IA .
Naturai Order. R A N U N C U L A C EÆ . D C . reg. veg. s y s t . l . f f 127.
Tribus IV . H E L L E B O R EÆ . Æstivatio calycis et corollæ imbricata.
P e ta la nunc o, nunc irregularia bilabiata nectarifera. Calyx petaloideus.
Carpella capsularla intùs dehiscentia polysperma. D C . prodr. 1. p . 44,
A Q U L LEG LA . Supra folio 55, series 2.
A . sibirica, calcaribus apice involutis petalis multo longioribus, capsulis
claberrimis, caule subtrifloro aut paniculato multifloro subnudo glabro,
iepalis elliptico-oblongis obtusis, foliis radicalibus biternatis; caulims
ternatis glabris; foliolis subtrilobis bipartitisve obtuse dentatis, petiolis
A q u S S r î l . L am .d ic tA .p .l5 0 . B C .s y s t.v e g .l. p .3 3 6 . P ro d r-}-
p . 50. Heless. ic. select. 1. t. 47. p . 13. Spreng. syst. veg. 2. p . 630.
Swt. hort. brit. p . 6. E d it. 2. p . 8.
Root perennial, herbaceous. Leaves smooth; those at
the root twice ternate ; the stem ones simply ternate : leaflets
broad, deeply 3-lobed, or bifid with the segments lobed,
toothed with large blunt teeth, of a pale glaucous colour on
the underside, v e r y m u c h veined with numerous very s le n%
branching veins. Petioles thinly clothed with slender hairs,
dilated and bearing a hollow sheath at the base, which more
or less clasps the stem, and is membranaceous at the margins,
and keeled at the back. Flower-stems erect, smooth, slightly
angular, naked or occasionally producing a leaf. Flowers frequently
3, or sometimeson a strongfeem inasort ot branched
panicle, as in our specimen, producing from 7 to 10 flowers,
or perhaps occasionally more : at the base of the lower flowers
is a sort of ternate leafy bracte, the leaflets of which are
lanceolately linear, broadest at the base, and tapering to-
wards the point, but scarcely acute. Practes on the peduncles,
lanceolate, acute. Pedicles quite smooth and glossy,
rather long, thickest near the flower. Flower of a bright
azure blue, white in the centre. Calyx of 5 sepals, deciduous,
elliptically oblong or ovate, blunt at the ends, straight
when first expanded, afterwards reflexed a little,
azure blue, tipped slightly with white. Petals 5, slightly
2 A 2