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111 i
UJij-mildi. c 7-,ih. ~iy.7Jiid,yw-(vy.
3.1. I
P H L O X longiflora.
Loiig-flowered Lychnidea.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. PO L EM O N IA C E Y :. D . Bon obs. on Polem. p . 4.
P H L O X . Supra fol. 7. series 2.
P lonaifiora, caule scabriusculo obscure maculato, foliis lanceolatis acumi-
■ natii utrinque glaberrimis nitidis margine scabris : superioribus latiori-
bus, racemis paniculatis, coroll® lacinns rotundatis; tubo longissimo
calyce triplo longiore, dentibus calycinis lanceolatis acutis erectmsculis.
P h lo x tardiflora. Penny in Young’s Hortus Epsomensis. p . 38.
Perennial, producing several stems from the same root.
Stems erect, bluntly quadrangular, from 2 to 3 leet nigh,
roughish, but not hairy, m o r e o r less spotted with faint spots.
ieatie« opposite, crossing each other, shortly petiolate, smooth
on both sides, the upper side glossy, quite free from pubescence,
the margins rough ; lower ones very long, lanceolate
and tapering to a long narrow point, also narrowing to the
base ; upper ones generally alternate, ovately lanceolate, a,cu-
mmaW. Petioles very short, channelled on the upper side
Racemes in a sort of loose panicle, the stem rough and clothed
with a short pubescence, leafy. Flowers pure wYite, very
sweet-scented. Lateral corymbs few flowered. Peduncles and
pedicles clothed with a short glandular rough pubescence.
Bractes variable, lanceolate, linear, or subulate, rough at the
edges. Calyx tubular, 5-angular, smooth and glossy membranaceous
between the angles, 5-toothed, the teeth lanceolate,
acute, membranaceous at the edges, erect, or spreading
a little at the points. Corolla tubular, with a 5-cleft, spread-
iuff limb : toòe very long, curved a little and ascending, smooth
and glossy, about three times the length of the calyx ; limb
5-cleft, the segments broad and rounded, imbacate at the edges,
or lapping over each other. Stamens 5, inserted m different
parts of the tube, 3 near the mouth, and 2 Icwer own.
filaments short, smooth, attached to the back of the anthers:
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