P H L Ò X procumbens.
Procumbent Lychnidea.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA ,
Naturai Orda-. PO L EM O N IA C E 4E . B . Bimobs.on P o km .in
Edinb. phil. journ. p . 4.
P H L O X . Calyx profundè 5-fidus, connivens. Corolla hypocrate-
riformis, limbo explanata, 5-partita : segmentis cuneatis. Stamina in
tubo supra medium inserta, valdè inmqualia. Capsula subrotunda ;
loculis monospermis! valvis membranaceis. Semina oblonga, extùs
couvexa. A magnum, iiadtctifa cotyledonibus duplò longior !—
Herb® perennes, raro suffrutices ( Amer. bor. unà ex Asià boreali-ori-
entali) pleriqucB erectcB. Yolia apposita! integerrima, sessilia. Flores
terminates, paniculati v. corymbosi, lilacini v. rosei, rariàs rubri, cce-
rulei aut albi. D . Don on the natural family of plants called P o le -
moniace®, p. 5.
P . procumbens, caule procumbente ramoso ; ramis adscendentibus
hirsuto-pubescentibus, foliis lanceolatis acutis basi attenuatis gla-
briusculis margine ciliatis, segmentis calycinis linearibus acutis, co-
roll® laciniis cuneato-obcordatis: tubo hirsuto erecto calyce sub-
duplo longiore.
P hlo x procumbens Lehman Hort. Len.— Hamburg. 1829.
Perennial, herbaceous. numerous from the base,
procumbent, sometimes rooting, throvtung out numerous
branches, which are ascending, more or less crooked or
flexuose, thickly clothed with short woolly hairs; the
flowering stems erect and branched. Leaves opposite,
lanceolate, acute, tapering to the base, but sessile, of a
smooth glossy surface on both sides, the margins fringed
with spreading hairs, particularly towards the base.
Flowers terminating the branches in a sort of few-flowered
panicle, lilac, a little tinged with blue. Peduncles
1 or 2-flowered, thickly clothed with short woolly hairs.
Pedicles unequal in length, also hairy. Calyx deeply
5-parted, thickly clothed with a hairy pubescence; the
segments narrowly linear, acute, spreading at the points.
Corolla tubular, with a 5-parted spreading limb : tube
straight, of a bluish purple, thickly clothed with short
hairs, about twice the length of the calyx : limb spreading:
the segments distinct, between obcordate and
wedge-shaped, with a shallow notch at the end, each