Jucq.flor. aust. Von Jacquin (N. J .) Flo-
r® Anstiiac® leones, 5 vol. in fol. Vindobona,
1. 1770—5.1778.
Jucq. misc. aust. Jacquin (N. J .) Miscellanea
austriaca ad botanicam etc. spec-
tantia, 2 vol. in 4to. Yindobonoe, 1 .1770
—2.1781. ’
Juss. gen. De Jussieii (Antoine Laurent.)
Genera plantarum, 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1789.
Ker. Irid. gen. Ker ( J . Bellenden.) Iri-
dearum genera cum ordinis cliaractere
natural!, specieriim enumeratione syno-
nymisque. Bruxellis, 1827, 8vo.
Kerner oek. pflanz. Kerner (Joh. Sim.)
Genera plantarum iconibus illustrata,
cent, in 4to. et in 8vo. Erlangoe, 1803, et
Kth. synops. Kunth (Car. Sig.) Synopsis
plantarum quas in itinere ad plagam
®quinoctialemorbisnovi,1.1822—S. 1822
4 vol. 12mo. ’
Lagose, nov. gen. et spec. Lagasca (Don
Mariano.) Genera et species plantarum
quæ aut novæ aut nondùm recte cognos-
cuntur, 4to. Madrid, 1816.
Lamarck diet. Monet de la Marek (Jean
Bapt.) Encyclopédie méthodique Botanique,
4 vol. in 4to. Paris, 1. 1783—
4. 1796.
Lamarck et DC. flor. franc. Id. et DC.
(A.P.) Flore française, edit. 3. 5 vol.
Paris, 1805-6—1815.
Lapeyr. abr. pyr. Picot de La Peyrouse
( Phillippe.) Histoiré abrégée des plantes
des Pyrenees, 1 vol. 8vo. Toulouse, 1813.
Lapeyr. pyr. Id. Figures de la Flore des
Pyrenees. Fase, in fol. Paris, 1.1795—
2. 1801. ’
Laxmann, in act. petrop. Acta Academi®
scientiariiim imperialis Petropolitanæ pro
ann. 1777—1782, in 4to. Petropoli.
Lehm. cat. hort. ham, Lehman (Joh. Geor.
Christ.) Cataiogus Hortus Hamburgen-
Lehm. hort. Len. Id. Hortus Lenensis.
Lehm, monog. prim. Id. Monographia
generis Primnlarum, 1 vol. in 4to. Lipsia;,
Link enum. Link (Henr. Frid.) Enume-
ratio plantarum, horti hot. Berolinensis,
2 vol. 8vo. ’
Link et Otto Abbild. n. u. .seit. Gew. Link
(Henr. Frid.l et Otto (Fred.) Abbildungen,
&c. Berlin, 4to.
Linn. flor. suec. Liimaens (Charles.) Flora
Suecica, 1 vol. 8vo. Holmioe, 1745.
edit. 2. 1755.
Linn. spec. Linnæus (Carolus.) Species
plantarum, ed. 1. 2 vol. 8vo. Holmia;,
1753— Sp. pi. ed. 2. 2 vol. 8vo. Holmia;,
1753.—Sp. pi. ed. 3. Vindobona, 1764.
Linn. syst. nat. Linnæus (Carolus.) Systema
natur®, in folio, Lugd. Bat. 1735.
Edit. 2. 8vo. Stockholm, 1740, ' Edit. 3.
4to. Halle, 1740. Edit. 4. Paris, 8vo.
1744. Edit. 5. 8vo. Halle, 1767. Edit 6.
in 8vo. Stockholm, 1748. Edit. 9. Lugd.
B a t .n s e . Edit. 10. 2vol. 8vo. Holmia;,
1758-1759. Edit. 1 1 . 3 vol. 8vo. Halee-
1760. Edit. 12. 3 vol. 8vo. Holmia,n66-
1768. Edit. 13. cur J . F. Gmelin, 3 vol.
sen partes 10, in 8vo. Lipsia, 1788-1793.
Linn, trans. Transactions of the Linnean
Society, by various Authors, on Natural
History, 10 vol. in 4to. with numerous
Lodd. bot. cab. Loddige’s (Messrs.) Botanical
Cabinet, containing several volumes,
in 12mo. and 4to. with figures more or
less coloured.
Lois. flor. gall. Loiseleur-Deslonchamps
(J . L. A.) Flora Gallica, 2 vol. in 12mo.
Parisiis, 1. 1806—2. 1807.
Lois.journ. Loiseleur-Dcsloncliamps. Nouveau
voyage dans l’empire de Flore,
1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818.
Lois. Narcis. Id. Recherches historiques,
botaniques et médicales sur les narcisscs
indigenes, in 4to. Paris, 1810.
Lois. Not. Id. Notice sur les plantes à
ajouter à la Flore de France, 1 vol. 8vo.
Paris, 1810.
M. Bieb.fl. taur. cauc. Marschall de Bieber-
stein (L. B. Fred.) Flora Taurico-Cau-
casica, 2 vol. et supple. 8vo. Charkovia,
1808, et seq.
Merianflorileg. Merian sen GraetKn (Maria
Sibylla.) Florilegium, 1 vol. 4to.
Mich. flor. amer. Michaux (Andre.) Flora
boreali Americana, 2 vol. 8vo. Parisiis,
1803, with a few figures.
Mill. flor. diet. Miller(Philip.) Gardeners’
and Florists’ Dictionary, 2 vol. 8vo. London,
Mill. diet. Id. The Gardener’s Dictionary
1 vol. in fol. London, 1731, with 8 editions
to 1768 ! Edit. 9, is Martyn’s Miller’s
Mill. ic. Id. Figures of plants described in
the Gardener’s Dictionarv, 2 vol. in fol.
London, 1760.
Nutt. gen. amer. Nuttall (Thomas.) The
genera of North American plants, and a
catalogue of the species, 2 vol. 12mo
Philadelphia, 1818.
Nutt, in journ. acad. sc. phil. Id. In the
Journal of the Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia, 1821, 4to. Philadelphia.
Park.parad. Parkinson (John.) Paradisi
in solo paradlsiis terrestris, or a garden
ot flowers, 1 vol. fol. London, 1629.
Park, theatr. Id. Theatrum Botanicnin,
1 vol. fol. London, 1640.
Pennykort.eps. Penny (George.) Hortas
Epsomensls, or a catalogue of plants cultivated
and sold by Messrs. Charles,
James, and Peter Young, Epsom, Surrey.
London, 1828. 12mo.
Pers. syn. Persooii (Christ. Henr.) Synopsis
plantarnm sen Enchiridium Botani-
cum, 2vol. 12mo. Paris, 1.1805—2.1807.
Phil. mag. Haworth (A. H.) in the Philosophical
Magazine and Annals, by Taylor
and Phillips. London, 8vo.
Pourr. act. toni. Pourret. Histoire et mé-
moires de 1’Académie royale des sciences,
etc. de Toulouse, 1782—1788.
Pursh. PL Amer. sept. Pursh (Fred.) Flora
Americana Septentrionalis, 2 vol. 8vo.
London, 1814.
Redout. liliac. Redoute (P . J .) Les Li-
liacées, 8 vol. fol. Paris, 1. 1802, to 4 in
1808. Text, aiictore A. P . De Candolle,
5. 1809, to 7. 1813. Text, auctore F. de
la Roclie, 8. 1816. Text, auctore A. R.
Reich, ic. pl. rar. Reichenbach (H. G. L.)
Icones plantarum Rarlorum.
Rcem. et Schult, syst. Rmmer ( J . J .) et
Schultes (F. A.) Systema Vegetahilinm,
8vo. Stutgardia, 1.1817, to 4.1819; those
since published, now the 7th, are by
Schultes and Sou.
Rudb. elys. Rudbeck (Olaus.) Campi Eys-
sii, liber 1-2, 4to. Vpsalia, 1701.
Sttlisb. in ann. bot. Salisbury (R. A.) Annals
of Botany, by C. König, and J . Sims,
2 vol. 8vo. London, I. 1805, 2.1806.
Schrad. dis. phil. Schrader Dissertationes
Philadelphe®, cum icones.
Schkuhr handb. Schkuhr (Christ.) Botanisches
handbiich, 3 Theil. 8vo. Wittenberg,
1. 1791—2. 1796—3. 1803.
Schult, flor. aust. Schultes (F . A.) Flora
Schult.(Est. fl. Id. Oistrichs flora, 2 hand.
8vo. Wien, 1794.
Smith flor. grac. Smith ( J . E.) Flora
Giffica, with handsome coloured figures,
from the first Linnean Class, to the end
of Didynamia, folio. London.
Smith prodr. fl. grac. Id. Flor® Gr®c®
prodromus, 2 vol. in 8vo. London, 1. 1806
—2. 1815-1816.
Smith in Rees cycl. Id. The new Cyclo-
p®dia. The botanical articles quoted are
by Sir J . E. Smith, who has there given
much useful information in the arrangement
and description of numerous genera.
4to. London.
Spreng, syst. veg. Sprengel (Kurt.) Systema
VegetabiUum, vol. 4. 8vo. Gottingea.
1. 1825, et Cur® Posteriores, 1827, et
Tentanien Supplementi, 1828. Libr®
Stern, rev. sax. Sternberg (Graf. Kasp.)
Revisio Saxifragarnm iconibus illustrata,
1 vol. fol. Ratisbona, 1810.
Steud. nomen. (Ernst. Gotti.) Nomenclátor
Botanicus. Stuttgardtia et Tubinga,
1821. 2 vol. 8vo.
Sturm, deuts.flor. Sturm(Jacob.) Deutschland
flora. Pars. I . phanerog. fase. 1-28.
4to. Nurenberg, 1798, et seq.
Suter flor. helv, Snter (Joh. Rad.) Flora
helvetica, 2 vol. 12mo. Turici, 1802.
Svensk. bot. Swartz act. holm. (Olof aiit
Olaus) Kongl. svenska vetenskaps aca-
demiens Hardlingar, 8vo. Stockholm,
1 vol. ann. hah. 1739—1816.
Swt. hort. brit. ed. 1 et 2. Sweet (Robert).
Hortus Britannicus, ed. 1 et 2. London,
royal 8vo. ed. 1. 1828.—ed. 2.1830.
Tenor, cat. pl. hort. reg. neap. Tenore (Michel).
Catalogo del piante del regal giardino
hot. di Napoli, ann. 1807—1813.
Ten. eat. app. Id. Ad Catalogum plantarum
horti napolitani anno 1813. editum, appendix
prima, 8vo. Napoli, 1815.
Ten. cat. bis. Id. Catalogo del piante del
giardino botanico del S. Ec Bisigiiano,
4to. Napoli, 1809.
Ten. flor. nap. Id. Flora Napolitana, fol.
IVapoii, 1811.
Ten. mem. croch. Id. Memoires sul spec.
e varietà di Crochi, della. 4to. Napoli.
Ten. prodr, nap. Id. Prodromi Flor® Na-
politan®, 4to. Napoli, appendix 4. 1823.
Ten. synop.flor. neap. Id. Synopsis nova-
rum plantarum qu® in Prodromo Flor®
Neapolitan®, 1811—1813. 4to. Napoli.
Theatr. flor. Theatrum Flor® in quo ex
toto orbe select! flores, etc. 1 vol. fol.
Paris, 1622. A famous reference for
lost and little known species of Narcissi.
Tratt. tabular. Trattinick (Leop.) Obser-
vationes botanic® Tabularium rei herba-
ri® illustrantes, 4to. Vienna, 1811.—
2 et 3, 1812.
Trewflor. Imagines. Trew (Christ. Jac.)
Flor® Imagines, fol. Norimberga.------
One or two rare species of Narcissi are
figured in this work, and numerous other
splendid flowers. For the frequent reference
to this work we are obliged to
A. B. Lambert, Esq.
Trew pl. selec. Ehr. Id. Plant® select® ah
Ehret pict®, 1 vol. fol. per decad. 2.
1750 ad 1773.
Vahl. enum. Vahl (Martinus). Enumeratio
plantarnm, 2 vol. in 8vo. Haunia.-
1. 1805. 2. 1806.
Wahlen. carpath. Wahlcnberg (Georg.)
Flora Carpathorum prmcipuoruni, 1 vol.
in 8vo. Gottinga, 1814.
Walds. e tK it.p l. hung. Waldstein (Franc.)
et Kitaibel (Paul.) Descriptiones et
icones plantarum rariornra Huiigari®,
3 vol. fol. Vienna, 1. 1802.—3.1812.
Willd.enum. Willdenow (Car. Liid.) Eiiumeratio
plantarum horti bot. Berolinensis,
2 vol. 8vo. Berolini, 1819.—Suppl.
Willd. spec, plant. Id. Species plantarum.
C. Linn®i. ed post Richard, quinta.
Vol. 5, in 8vo. Berolini. 1st. part.
1. 1797. et 5. 1810.