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merous little glandular dots, that gives it a roughish appearance.
Receptacle naked. Rays very large and spreading,
about the length of the tubular involucre, generally three,
but sometimes four, very broad, more or less divided or jagged,
rarely entire, slightly crenulate or uneven at the edges,
bearing a smooth Style and a two-cleft spreading yellow
Stigma, and producing perfect seeds. Florets of the disk tu bular,
5-cleft. Stamens 5 : filaments distinct : anthers connected
into a tube, naked at the base. Style smooth, slender.
Stigma bifid, the segments spreading, bright yellow. Akenia
or seed slightly pubescent, linear, flat, and terminated by
three or four unequal chaffy scales.
The present very handsome plant is a native of Mexico,
from whence seeds were received by Robert Barclay, Esq.
of Bury Hill, in 1826, some plants of which flowered in the
Autumn of 1827, and magnificently the last Autumri, when
our drawing was made ; it belongs to the same division of
the genus as T. lùcida, from which it differs in its stronger
growth, larger rays to the flower, which are also more divided,
opake not glossy leaves, which are fringed a little above the
base by the teeth being terminated by long rigid bristles.
Flowers very fragrant. Mr. Cameron informs us that it is
considerably hardier than T. lùcida, the least protection
being sufficient to preserve it through the Winter, or in mild
Winters not the least covering will be needed, a common
flower pot turned over the plant will be quite sufficient let
the Winter be ever so severe, which must be always removed
in mild weather, or the leaves will turn mouldy, and
rot. Mr. Cameron believes they have two or three other
simple-leaved species, but they have not yet flowmed ; a
light rich soil is the most proper for it, or it will thrive well
in peat, when the flowers will be of a deeper colour ; it may
be increased by cuttings, or dividing at the root ; seeds are
also sometimes ripened.
The genus was named after Tages, a Tuscan divinity,
the son of Genius and grandson of Jupiter.
1. The tubular Involucrum spread open, to show the dots with wliich they are covered.
2. One of the broad rays, showing the two Stigmas exserted above the slender tube, the
seed at the base perfect, terminated by short cliaffy scales. 3. Floret of the disk spread
open, showing the nerves alternating with the teeth. 4. The 5 Stamens spread open, the
filaments distinct, the antliers united into a tube. 5. Seed, terminated by the Scales, ana
by the Style and Stigmas. G. One of the lower leaves.
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