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HERMODÁCTYLUS longifólius.
Long-kaved Snakés-hmd.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. IR ID EÆ . Brown prodr. 1. p . 302.
H E R M O D A C T Y L U S . SpaíAa univalvis aut bivalvis acutis rigidis
persistentibus foliiformibus longitudine floribus expansis; pedúnculo et
ovario inclusis. Perianthium 6-partitum : segmentis exterioribus multo ma-
joribus reflexis ; interioribus minimis, basi involutis cucullatis aut angustis
planis apice abrupte attenuatis angustissime elongatis. Stamina 3, basi perianthii
inserta : filamenta compressa distincta : antheræ basi affixæ, biloculares,
longitudinaliter dehiscentes. S ty li brevi. Stigmata 3, petahformia,
magna, bifida, patentia, acutissima. Ovarium variabile, oblongum v. subro-
H . longifolius, vagina radical! longi submembranacei foliis tecti inclusi,
foliis radicalibus longissime extensis crassis regulari ter quadrangularis
striatis glaucis : scapo brevo basi subinflato apice acuto, unifloro,
perianthii segmentis exterioribus obovatis emarginatis reflexis ; interioribus
basi cucullatis apice attenuatis acutis, stigmata margine lacerato-
Hermodactylus. Tournefort. Cor. p . 50. Salisb. Hort. tram. v. 1. p . 304.
AovpiiTiî- Hioscorides.
Root tubers varying from 1 to 2 . Sheaths tightly surrounding the leaves
at the base, varying in length, white, of a soft feel to the touch, somewhat
inclining to membranaceous, but rather succulent, points soon decaying.
Leaves very glaucescent, almost white, quadrangular, longitudinally striated ;
root ones frequently 3 to 4 feet in length, the largest above half an inch m
circumference, and 3 lines in breadth across the angle in the widest part, the
angles sharp edged. Flower-stem in our plant, from the ground to the top
of the flower, about 9 inches in length. Scape smooth, rounded. Scape-lcaf
rather inflated towards the base, where it surrounds the scape, tapering up-
wards, and raising only to the base of the flower. Spathe leaf-hke, persistent,
rigid, 1-vaived, extending to the top of the flower when expanded,
somewhat ventricose over the ovarium, but tapering upwards to a sharp point.
Ovarium oblong, 6-lined, tapering to the flower, considerably below it.
Perianthium wilh a short tube, deeply 6-parted; 3 large outer segments
about 3 inches in length, narrowing to the base, curved a little inwards trom
the 2 sides, of a greeii colour, slightly tinged with purple nearly to the bend,
and a pale yellow line extending down the centre to the base ; at the bend
they are considerably curved backwards, and 2 greenish white marks in the
bend, edged with dark purple, from there to the point broadly obovately-
ovate, with a slight notch at the point, or retuse, of a bright velvet on the
upper side, edged with green ; back green, and hollow in the recurved part:
3 small inner segments very small, and curved inwards at the base, and a
considerable way up, so as to make them cucullate, or hollow ; from this i,t
becomes abruptly narrow, and terminates to a very slender point. StamensS,
inserted in the base of the perianthium, and pressed close to the back of the
stigma; filaments ñat, and inserted in the base of the anthers, which are
linear, 2-lohed, and burst in front to discharge their yellow pollen. Style
short. StigmasS, deeply 2-cleft, keeled on the inside, and hollow at the
back, lacerately-sawed at the margins : segments spreading right and left.