TULIPA Óculus sòlis.
Surís-eye Tulip.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. T U L IP A C E iE . K th . synops.1. p .W H .
T U L IP A . Perianthium G-phyHum, petaloideum, campanulatum : folióla
erecta aut subpatentia non nectarifera. Stamina 6, basi foliorum inserta.
Antherce posticae. Stylus 0. Stigma sessile, trilobum, cristatum, aut
subcapitatum papillosum. Capsula oblonga, obtuse trigona. Semina numerosa,
plana.— Folia vaginantia, radicalia et caulina. Scapus 1 vel rarius
2-3-Jlorus, erectus aut subnutans, rarissime aphyllus.
T. Ooulus solis, caule unifloro glabro foliis subæquali, flore erecto, perianthii
laciniis oblongo-lanceolatis subæqualibus patentibus apice sub-
pubescentibus, macula báseos elongatâ angustâ, foliis lanceolatis longe
Tulipa Ocula solis. S t. Amand Soc. d ’Agr. d ’Agen. 1. p . 75. Lam. et B C .
Jior. frane. 3. p . 300. n. 1906. Schrad. n. journ. 4. p. 88. Loisel. flor,
gall. 1. p . 199. (exl. pl. e Gallo prov. vid. spec.) Schult. .syst. 7. p.'STl,
Keboul Tulip, p . 3. n. 3. Redout, liliac. t. 219. Trattin. tabular. 55.
non Bo t. Reg.
Tulipa pyrizana. Merian. Surinam, t . ò . f . 14.
Bulb large, rounded at the base, and tapering upwards,
clothed with a loose ragged brown skin, the bulb itself
slightly pubescent. Scape erect, leafy, smooth and cylindrical,
about a foot in height, of a shining pale yellowish green.
Leaves densely pubescent, and fringed with short hairs,
about 10 inches long, sheathing the stem at the base, about
the length of the scape, and from 4 lines to an inch and a
half in breadth; lanceolate, tapering to a long slender point,
very glaucous, hollow on the upper side, prominently and
longitudinally striate at the back. Flmvers red, or striped
with red and yellow, with a dark circle at the base. Perian-
Ihium of 6 petal-like leaflets, nearly equal in size, and
spreading widely open when expanded, connected into one
at the base, in which part the stamens are inserted: leaflets
elliptically lanceolate, abruptly acuminate, elegantly striate,
imbricate downwards, hut distinct at the points, which are
B 2