OENOTHÈRA anisoloba.
Unequal-lobed Evening Primrose.
Linnean Class and Order. O C T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. O N A G B A R IA : . D C . prodr. 3. p . 35.
Tribus I I I . O n a g r e j e . Tructus capsularis, loculis polyspermis, se-
minibus non alatis. Calycis tubus ultrà ovarium productus. Stamina peta-
lorum numero dupla.— Herba: interdùm basi suffrnticulosce.
(E N O T H E R A . Supra folio 19, series 2.
Sect. I I I . O E N O TH E R IUM . Stigma quadrifidum, antherae oblon-
grn, fructus obovato-clavatus ssepè octocostatus, valvis obovatis. D C . loc.
1. D f n n tit- ÒAÌr. T u b i
(E. anisoloba, caule suffruticoso elato stricto ramoso pubescenti-hirsuto, fo-
liis radicalibus ellipticis integris paucidentatis ; mediis ellipticis argute
dentatis, basi laciniis variabilis linearibus acutis divaricatis ; superiori-
bus insequaliter pinnatifidis, segmentis divaricatis terminali maxima,
ovarium tetragonum, tubocorollae longissimo, petalis maximis imbricatis
margine crenulatis vesperi expansis odoratissimis.
Root fusiform, fleshy. Stem erect, frutescent, appearing
likely to attain a considerable height ; green, or frequently
red at the joints, thickly clothed with pubescence mixed
with long hairs. Leaves hairy on both sides, on long slender
footstalks; lower ones elliptically obovate, scarcely
toothed, the next set terminates in a long broad elliptic lobe,
which is sharply toothed, bearing nunaerous unequal linear
sharp lobes on the lower part, some divaricately spreading,
others hooked : upper ones unequally pinnatifid, large and
small lobes mixed, some of which are lanceolate, spreading,
and toothed, others more or less hooked or incurved, and
others shorter, smaller, linear and sharp-pointed, the footstalk
winged all the way between the leaflets, hairy on both sides,
furrowed on the upper side, and rounded below. Ovarium
tetragonal, pubescent, 4-winged ; wings spreading, fleshy,
terminating in a blunt end in the centre. Flower large,
white, spreading widely open : tube about 4 inches and a
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