B A R T Ò N IA albescens.
White-stalked Bartonia.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra lO rd e r. LO A SEÆ . Ju ss.in an n .m u s.5 . p . l 8 .
Calyx tubulosus, adhærens; limbo 5-partito, persistenti. P e ta la lO , duplici
ordine limbo calycino inserta. Stamina indefinitè numerosa, calycis
limbo inserta : /temewía libera; ea-íerioriias nunc sterilibus ; «MiAeroe erectæ,
biloculares. Stylus 3-7-sulcatus. Stigmata 3 -7 , nunc soluta, inde coalita.
Capsula 1-locularis, 3-7-valvis, polysperma. Placentæ 3 -1, lineares, parietales.
Semina duplici serie creberrima, suborbiculata, compressa, margine
Herbæ (plerumque Boreali-Americanæ) erectæ, ramosee, aculeis minu-
tissimis scabrce, radice annuâ v. bienni. Folia alterna, sessilia, pinnatijida.
Flores terminales, solitarii, albi. D . Don Mss.
* Stamina pauciora, filamentis omnibus d ilatatis, antheris subrotundis,
stigmatibus 3 solutis, capsulâ placentis 3. Species Australes.
B . albescens, foliis sinuatis, petalis vix calyce longioribus, filamentis omnibus
dilatatis, antheris subrotundis muticis, stigmatibus 3 solutis. D.Don
Bartonia albescens. Gill. ^ Arnott in Edinb. geogr. journ. 2. p . 273.
Root annual. Stem upright, branched, cylindrical, leafy,
of a grey or ash colour, from a foot to three feet high, occasionally
equalling the thickness of one’s finger, clothed with
short pubescence, intermixed with minute bristly points.
Leaves alternate, sessile, oblong, obtuse, sinuately pinnatifid,
with shallow, broad, obtuse lobes, rough, with very short
callous bristles, from an inch and a half to seven inches
long, and from half an inch to two inches broad ; the upper
ones generally acute, and sometimes entire ; the base broad
and transverse, often slightly clasping the stem. Flowers
solitary, terminal, of a pale yellow colour ; the smallest of
the genus. Calyx tubular, slightly attenuated atthe base, half
an inch long, rough with minute bristles; the limb urceo-
late, with five ovate-lanceolate, attenuated teeth, with their
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