TÙLIPA Bonorotiana.
Bonorata Tulip.
linnemi Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. T U L IP A C E A ). K th . Symps. 1. p . 292.
T U L I P A . Supra folio 102.
T . Bonorotiana, caule pubescente foliis longiore, periantbio campanulato-
patulo; segmentis elliptico-lanceolatis acutis apice barbatis margine
involutis : macula basi rbombeà parva.
Tulipa Bonorotiana. Bertolon. in lilt, ad Schultz. Reboul. nonn. spec. Tul.
not. p . 7. Schult. syst. veg. v. 7. p . 375.
Root bulbous, broad at the base, where it terminates in a
dense tuft of small fibres, tapering upwards, smooth, clothed
with a thin torn brown membrane. Scape leafy, roughly pubescent,
being densely clothed with short rigid hairs, longer
than those on the leaves, by which it differs from T. strangulata,
a species we unluckily let pass without notice, though
we were in time to recognise it by its character. Leaves variable
in size, of a glaucous green, the lower ones very broad,
and beautifully undulated, shortly fringed with short stiff
hairs ; stem ones much narrower, attenuated to the base, and
clasping the stem, attenuated to a long taper point, densely
covered with short stiff hairs, deeply channelled on the upper
side, and keeled below, striated with numerous prominent
longitudinal lines. Flower campanulately spreading, when
in bloom of an exquisite faint scent, inside of a vivid brick
colour, not much shining, outside of a very pale yellow
marked with red ; Interior segments marked longitudinally
down the centre with two lines of yellow ; all the segments
densely bearded with a bunch of wool at the end. Spots at
the base of each segment of a vivid blue ; outer segments
smaller and narrower than the inner ones. Ovarium superior,
of a considerable length, acute 3-angled, and ribbed
up the centre of each valve, clothed with short wool. Stigma