and 2 still shorter, but each pair nearly of equal lengths
Anthers 2-celled, attached by their middle to the filaments
pollen granular, of a golden yellow.
An elegant plant, native of Chiloe, whence bulbs were
sent by Lieutenant Barlow to Mr. Page, Nurseryman, Southampton,
in whose garden the plant from which our figure was
taken, flowered last J une. It will no doubt thrive well in a
warm border, m the front of a stove, greenhouse, or wall • the
bulbs to be covered with litter during Winter, to protect them
from the frost. The plant can only be increased by offsets.
1 he name is derived from ¿^poe, delicate, and av^oc, a
flower; the flowers of all the species being delicate.
I. The 6 unequal ascending Stamens. 2 . S ty le crowned b y th e 3-lobed Stigma.