ANDROSÀCE carinata.
Keeled-leaved Androsace.
^r-2 ;■
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. P R IM T JL A C E A . Brown prodr. 1. p . 427.
A N D R O S A C E . Calyx 6-fidus persistens. Corolla hypocrateriformis
5-loba, fauce coarctatà glandulosà. Stamina 5. S tigm a !. Capsula \- \o -
cularis, ovato-globosa, 5-fariam dehiscens ; polysperma.—Plantulse ecespi-
tosce, dense folioscs. Flores umbellati ; scapi numerosi.
A . carinata, foliis congestis ovato-lanceolatis acutis supra carinatis ciliàtis,
scapo villoso, umbellis plurifloris, calycibus obtusis corolla brevioribus.
Androsace carinata. Torrey in thè Ann. o f thè Lyc. o f New York. 1. t. 3.
/ I - 7. Swt./
add. p . 595.
. syst. V. 4. pars. 2. cur. post. p . 57. . hort. brit. ed. 2.
Plant densely tufted : stems red when in flower, an inch
and a half in height, including the flower-stem. Leaves
crowded, ovately-lanceolate, acute, keeled on the upper
side, fringed at the margins, smooth on both sides, of a
glossy green on the upper side, and sometimes tinged with
purple underneath. Scape three-fourths of an inch in height,
thickly clothed with villous hairs. Umbels in our plant generally
6-flowered. Involucre of 5 or 6 leaflets, which are
oblongly ovate, obtuse, villosely hairy, concave on the inner
side. Pedicles short, villous, bracteate at the base. Flowers
white, yellow at the mouth, very sweet-scented. Calyx
5-cleft, nearly to the base, persistent: segments oblongly
ovate, bluntish, hollow above, villosely hairy. Corolla
funnel-formed : tube ovate, contracted at the mouth : limb
spreading, flat, the segments ovate, rounded at the ends,
distinct, not imbricate, white nearly to the base, which is
yellow. Stamens 5, inserted in the tube. Ovarium broadly
top-shaped, flattened at the top, of a smooth glossy green.
Style smooth, included in the tube.
c 2
Stigma a small head.
FJl.frrfbh.djL'. hch.