GLADÍOLUS pudibúndus.
Blush-fiowered Corn-flag.
Linnean Classand Order. T R I A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. IR ID EÆ . Bronm p rodr. 1. p . 302.
G L A D IO L U S . Suprà fol. 155. series 1.
G. pudibundus, floribus subresupinatis, genitalibus declinatis, periantbii
tubo spatbà breviore : laciniis ovato-lanceolatis obtusis undulatis recur-
Stem from two to three feet high, straight, cylindrica],
smooth. Zeavei broadly ensiform, acuminate, ribbed, of a
pale green. Floiverslarge, ofabrilliantrose colour,about lOin
number, distantly alternate, and disposed in a distichous
spike, from the twisting of the base somewhat resupinate.
Spathes composed of two valves, which are lanceolate, ribbed,
terminated by a long sharp point, and rolled round the
tube of the perianth ; the inner one shorter. Ferianth with
the tube considerably shorter than the outer spathe; the
limb divided into 6 broad, ovate-oblong, blunt segments,
which are recurved at the points, and wavy at the margin ;
the lower 3 narrower, marked with a pale, whitish, lanceolate
spot, having a deep red edge. Filaments and Style declinate,
white. Anthers pViVpXe. ArigzMfl« linear-cuneate, notched,
concave, copiously papillose.
This is a hybrid offspring, we believe, between Gladiolus
cardinaUs and blandus, and was raised by the Honourable and
Rev. William Herbert, to whom we are obliged for the specimen
figured in the plate. It is an extremely showy plant,
and therefore cannot fail tobecome an universal favourite with
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